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Status Replies posted by Mithradites


  2. Aislin is much abuse evul staffman who oppresses the rights of the people of LotC.

  3. I was wondering. How many can ACTUALLY remember the Wihuns?

  4. Nothin' beats the hobo life, stabbin' folks with my hobo knife.

  5. How fancy... A fedora!

  6. Is it bannable to RP delivering a baby, or do I have to fade to black

  7. I really wish the Mori'quessir could come back. They were amazing.

  8. Really, it's not Tier 3 default is it? The way how I'm perceiving is that "Tier 3" = Tier Fairness? Rite? However, when you're with your buddies, you're Tier4-9001?

  9. i don't know what to name the new headquarters in abresi.

  10. Late to the party,but...

  11. Late to the party,but...

  12. I am being harrassed.

  13. So....opinions on me?

  14. congratulations to the newly refound couple of Tanith and Baldir Toov! So happy for you guys!

  15. Using a sheet of cardboard as a plate #College

  16. *Comment regarding the state of magic in LOTC*

  17. People F. Tarus, Protector and President of the United Oren Emirates

  18. Anyone got any idea for RP? I'm sort of bored with nothing to do...

  19. If you think that I sound like a douchebag in the next LotC-BC report, I'm sowwry. :(

  20. I know declare that all people from Wales be deemed "Whalish" not Welsh

  21. All of you Humans are High-Elves

  22. Just thought I'd let you all know; I am currently in a show. If you don't see me online much now you know why. I will be on when I can though :^)

  23. Its funny when people get ooc mad at you for sticking to character.

  24. *gets a friend on server, friend reads stuff on forums, friend dislikes server.*

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