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Everything posted by Lykos

  1. -joins forum rp-

    Hope you don't mind that it is the Same character as my other zombie rp thread.

  2. I'm gon' find you

  3. On the Skype rp thread, I have added my username. Awaiting invite.

  4. Fixed everything, now able to play for the first time in around a month... And apparently it is my bed time and I have an early day tomorrow.

  5. All of the recent topics are server applications. Very nice.

  6. Apparently i havn't been able to get on because someone hacked my account and changed my password. I guess it'll be a while before I can buy another account.

    1. Skippy


      can't you send yourself the pass?

    2. Dav3Schneider


      Or retrieve it? That is what I did when I got my account hacked. Just go to mojang.com

    3. Lykos


      Yeah, i'm researching different ways right now, I don't think i'll have to buy another.

  7. This sucks something fierce. Minecraft hasn't let me log in for about jalf a month, and I can't seem to figure out why. Sh*t's about to get serious.

    1. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      What does it say when you try

      to log in? Does it say

      "Login Failed"? That means

      someone hacked you and changed your password

    2. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      *stands behind the hacker of Lykos's minecraft account heavily breathing with a bloody knife in her hand

  8. Don't use six launcher, use DayZ commander, then make sure both your arma2 and DayZ files are up to date with it. After that, servers running the same version as you are a breeze to get into.
  9. oohh ya swaggin bout yo bf's refregarator no dobt.

  10. Dang gurl, wher u ben?

  11. Throdooooo I want to eat your toes...

  12. BACK OFF, SKIPPY. This one's mine.

  13. Herpeteh Derp, buddy. Herpeteh Derp.

  14. Blargh blargh blargh stuff-stuff blarrrrgh.

  15. 6/10 That's mah purse, I don't know you!
  16. So, I got to participate in the Drunken Ruffians event for all of 6 minutes. I had some good times. Drank some "Beverages", made a new friend named Dinkles who once kissed a goat, and.. Eh... Yeah.

  17. Just noticed I made the event team. Nice.

  18. Hm. A Jewish zombie who symbolically feeds his followers his own flesh and blood.

    Your father is a god? Cool story.

  19. Hello again, person. :P

  20. Name: Dylan Appearance: Ghillie suit Backpack- Coyote pack Weapons (most in a tent) x1 L85A2 AWS x2 SVD CAMO x1 AS50 X1 M4A1 CCO SD X1 M249 SAW X1 DMR (for them night snipe times) Equipment x2 NVGs (one in tent) x2 GPS x1 Rangefinder -All other gear, including entrenching tool and Toolbox.- Trophies x2 mountain dew x3 antibiotics I **** you not.
  21. ******* Ddos protection or whatever. I typed a long-ass post and it comes up, redirecting me to the main page here. I look back to the post... Gone. Nice one. A small price to pay, i guess -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. yekim8


      Go back a few pages. It should still be there.

    3. Lykos


      It wasn't there anymore. Had to re-type it. As for me not being around, SpamShok... Well... I am around. I just don't post in the General chat forums much any more.

    4. ryno2


      I can't access the site or forums on my mobile due to the cloudfare :/

  22. I ate my predecessor... MMMWaaahaaaa

  23. So, today I learn of a dog (an rp character that I had interacted with quite a bit) had to be put down due to rabies. Reminds me of my own dog who I had to PERSONALLY put down this month. Put on a 10 hour version of the piano version of "Mad World" for some reason. Feels bad, man.

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I'm really sorry, man. :(

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