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DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

  1. Nobody selling sandstone + map permed. How on earth are you supposed to get items *inserts annoyed face*

    1. Rhisereld


      I could get sandstone. If you ask IG, of course. :3

    2. craotor


      Been tring to get sandstone for almost 2 weeks now.Its,super are

  2. In my life I have realised I have done things wrong and fear doing the consequences. But that moment when you look at your building and realise that its one block short on one side....*shivers*

    1. Skippy
    2. nachotp


      Oh noo..... I would die too

  3. RP of my character to write, mansion to finish, obtain blocks for the mansion, do some riddles ect for the shipment run, complete over 12 paid graphic requests, start on free graphics, spend time moderating on other forums so I don't loose my staff status. WHY AM I SO BUSSY!

    1. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Oh an completely re-write my Application guide

    2. Dyn


      Sounds tough. Let me know if you require help with anything.

  4. This is amazing. Mobs are spawning like 30+ at a time and were all RP'ly defending my home. Really fun!

    1. Lykos


      Upon exiting a dungeon in the desert, we were greeted at the surface by like 85 of them. Epic end to an epic day.

      (sword broke in the middle of the fight, had to go barehanded :P)

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)
  5. when you missed the train by 0.1 of a second and just watch it leave without you -.- I'm going home.

    1. Lirinya
    2. OsisOflax


      Happens me all the time >.<

    1. KarmaDelta


      Im guessing you take classes or self tought?

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      I found an team and joined them. They taught me a lot of things:P still very much learning still though.

  6. Helped so many people with server Applications & now villain Application. Going to start an Villain application service:P

    1. Respiren


      Please don't write applications for people - it defeats the purpose of the player showing their merit.

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      'Helped' so many people with server Applications & now villain Application.

  7. One thing I would love to be a part of - The Lore Team.

    1. KarmaDelta


      They should make a Graphics team..... I think you would do well on it. A lot of graphical kind of people here.

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Actually a nice idea.

      What would be nicer? If I was in both.

  8. When you spend hours helping people with VA...and they don't even say thank you.

  9. One does not simply dance... One BOOGIES!

    1. 0000


      *starts boogieing*

    2. Reader



  10. Hate reading long reply's. Concise is the way forward :)

    1. 0000


      I don't really think so. Take the United states for example. If everything we wrote was a sentence long things wouldn't get done, the whole picture wouldn't be understood. You must have detail and long explanations for big matters, and perhaps a summer at the beginning or the end. Although this is just my opinion, and you are entitled to your own, but I do not believe that long replies are material that should be hated then the rabbit said "LEND ME YOUR EARS" and all t...

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)
    1. MrSyth


      You make some awesome signatures. For you, I take off my hat.

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)
  11. First day of looking for a new house and every house we viewed had 4 bedrooms but there just two of us... Think somebody is planning more than just moving house #Terrified.

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Lol, your wife and you?

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Girlfriend :) Still got some living to do before I sign my life away ;)

  12. How do I download my current skin?

    1. gingernut97


      Go on minersneedcoolshoes and type in your username and VOILA!

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)
  13. Sup bro! Randomly came back to this website after remising some Minecraft times.


    If you see this hope you are doing well brother, you was one of the first real online friends I ever made. My mother still remembers your name from me saying ‘Stronghold’ all the time when I was in the family home playing hahaha

    1. Battleme33


      Wow Fomsil didn’t even ask about me you piece of ****!

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Lord, I am glad you are well Battleme!  Check your profile vistors I did search you up and come onto your profile, it said you was on not too long ago ❤️ I promise I did think of you my man, I hope you are well! Many good memories with you and Stronghold.

  14. Sup Skippy ❤️ Hope you are doing well bro! Many fond memories man, do you have any contact details for MyStronghold. I would love to check in with the guy and see how he’s doing.

    1. Skippy


      Zezimus PM’d you it I believe! Nice seeing you around bro! Hope all is well ❤️

    2. DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      DoubleDeetz (Fomsil)

      Thanks! Same to you good sir ❤️

  15. Why do ye all 8ft orks run from 5ft dwarfs.

  16. I miss all te dwafies 3

    1. Grabthar


      where did you go?

  17. My alarm goes off. I then close my eyes for what seems to about 6 seconds. 1 hour 28 minutes have passed. Great!?

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Haha, I know that feeling.

  18. Bed, Bed, Bed, SLEEPING!

    1. Lykos


      Bed, Bed, Bed, SLEE- oh wait, i am on ipad and will be for hours before i fall asleep... OH WELL.

  19. Anybody having server lag problems such as not able to log in or falling through the floor when you do until it logs you out?

    1. hosper


      Yes infact I have died twice from such problems

  20. Achievement unlocked! Made the train on time!

    1. Pudclud


      I just had to link this :P

  21. The server is all fine. Then it just hits constant lag. Is there a known reason?

    1. KarmaDelta


      Perhaps needs a save and another restart.... dunno.

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