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Everything posted by ayresalex

  1. fite me irl

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jchizz


      how much can u bench bro?

    3. Haelphon


      How much you benchin

    4. Gladuos


      I'll bash your skulls in with a dictionary.

  2. Why'd Akira get banned?

  3. Why'd Akira get banned?

    1. yekim8
    2. Korvic


      He made a post about it.


  5. Yaaaay Foward Unto Dawn part three!

  6. Here we go again... with the Yolos...

  7. ANyone tell me why my gid avatar isn't working?

  8. ANyone tell me why my gid avatar isn't working?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ayresalex
    3. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      If it isnt showing it. try and refresh. If it isnt playing...then maybe wait 30 minutes and refresh again. Not sure if the latter works but that may be it.

    4. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      If you only just put it on, it should take an hour or two to actually start looking like it should.

  9. Mikhael passes through the gates into Mireton, he breathes in the fresh mountain air, and grins, Just like home... he thought. He was just recently outfitted with his new Gryphon tabard, and felt quite spiffing in it. Better than that damned Elendil gave me. Nothing. he mused. Mikhael felt quite at home with his new position. He was serving a house that was close knit with the Emperors own house. He gloated this to his friends a few to many times at the Therving Tavern, and set on an air of importance and sometimes- arrogance. Mikhael stops at the crossroads, spotting Kazrek. Mikhael wondered if this was the new recruit that Alexander had told him about. Nonetheless, using his gruff northern accent he yelled, "'ey! Yew dat new man his lordship was talkin' about?" He starting trotting over to Kazrek, waiting for a response.
  10. Mikhael grins, "Where can I place my bags then?"
  11. Forum Name: ayresalex MC Name: Mikhael Torsson Skills: I've grew up as a blacksmiths son. Makin' weapons never suited me, but I always tend to pick one up and spar my brothers. I also know my way around a bow as well. Are you willing to move to a permanent residence?: Seeing as I have no home.. Yes. I am. What previous experience have you had? (RP on the LotC server): I served with Elendil for sometime, but left as I recieved no pay or board. (I've been with you since like, Galahar dude.) Why should I take you?: You won't find a more disciplined soldier as myself, m'lord. "I, Mikhael Torsson, swear my blade and life to the house Horen-Gryphon. To protect the Duchy of Pruvia, and the Holy Oren Empire, in times of peace and war To be Its shield under siege, and blade in times of war I swear to be truthful and pure, doing what is right To be loyal to Gryphon-Horen and it's leader over all other To follow orders and direction with full effort until my lord release me." Die Willingly or With Sword in Hand!
  12. What happened with Vaq?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      He and Availer plan to make a game or server of their own.

      Look at his most recent status! :P

    3. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      So we aren't going to get that client...

    4. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      Mog told me that the Admins confronted him about him not doing his job properly and just doing whatever he saw fit, and then he just left.

  13. no

    1. Volutional


      I would've thought you'd learned your lesson. *whistles for Arik*

    2. Song Druid
    3. ayresalex
  14. Nice passive aggressive status. nononononononononononononononononononononononoononononononononononononononononononononononononon n

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