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Status Updates posted by danic

  1. "Strike report on [insert unknown player here]" -No response for weeks- "Strike report on [insert popular player here]" -Reply within 20 minutes-

  2. *Sets down a mug of coffee* Zach, don't touch that. *Little brother yanks it up, spilling all over the table* ZACHARY. WHAT THE HELL. "I didn't do it!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. danic


      Oh wow. How old's your brother? Mine's 11 -.-

    3. Skippy



    4. danic


      What the hell did Skippy just vomit out.

  3. o i dun no who dat is

  4. Oh lawd that ban appeal. Oh lawd.

    1. Jchizz


      My God... that's hysterical.

    2. Kaiser


      which ban appeal?

    3. Cracker


      boxxy is out of control

  5. LOL. That stupid "Norton Safety Minder" my mother installed thinks Hiebe's avatar is pornography XD

  6. I'm stoopid. My dad was just yelling down for dinner e-e

  7. That feelin when the power goes out when you're in the shower.

  8. Command blocks will make fast travel SO much mote simple.

    1. EmeraldStag
    2. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      I don't like the new soulstone system though

    3. danic


      It'll make events easier too, same with those spawners.

  9. I wish I could persue a career in Gaming Art, only problem is I have zero artistic talent, which is kinda ironic being I have taken 4 years of drawing class.

  10. Yes! Yes, pickle juice! Heal me and my cold! Remove the mucas from my body!

  11. Son of a.. Stupid crap computer, making my freaking Minecraft crash in the middle of freaking RP

    1. danic
    2. Slic3man


      That's the temp server, trust me, it's doing the same for me. I'm fine on any other server... *Sigh*

    3. MrSyth


      Same here. Mainly around spawn though...

  12. Okay. When you walk up the a gate, that just exploded 7 times, each time killing the same people; You deserve to die.

    1. ski_king3


      There is no RP behind the explosions, people just keep putting TNT without any explanation IC. It is not RP.

  13. Roleplayed for the first time as an Orc. Have to say, I'm reallly impressed. And that attack with Vardak was really fun, he kept sending down his minions while we mowed them down and call him a Momo skaha' :3

    1. Slic3man


      They're not what people make them out to be. :3

  14. One of the best things... That the new coders put in... Were to change gender.

  15. We've take over the Silverblades house for refuge against the onslaught of PVP wandering souls.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beneh


      And so it begins...

    3. Braxis


      Just wipe your shoes when you enter

    4. empirerebel


      Silverblades have a fort??

  16. 2 more days of break. Looks like I was right, the server WOULD be down for the entire time...

    1. danic


      And I'm not counting the destructive temp server.

  17. That temp server is like the end of times. Angles of WS come from the skies to punish those not worthy of the Heavens of Asulon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samson (Derick)
    3. Secret Lizard President
    4. danic


      Yes. Angles. Both acute and obtuse. Violent things, they are.

  18. What the... The arms on my skin are missing, and so is my back...

    1. danic


      Is MPM glitching out? .-.

    2. danic


      Wait a minute, fixed it.

  19. Orc or Human... Orc or Human... Two opposites...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      halfbreed orcman

    3. Bawg


      Danic.. You love Bog. Be a uruk.

    4. danic


      Well you put up a good argument, Bog.

  20. I try and be unique with all my characters... But it seems like they never get as far as the usual "Wannabe mage/Wannabe knight"...

    1. Raptorious


      You dont always have to strive to be unique. Just do what you think will be fun for YOU. Ultimately you are playing for yourslef not others, despite what a lot of people say.

    2. danic


      But whenever I DO make a generic character, I either get bored of it, or others criticize me for having such a cookie-cutter character.

    3. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      Solution: DO WHATEVER THE HEYULL YOU WANT. Why should you care what OTHER people want? It's YOU, Danic. DGAF about dem hatahs. Bro.

  21. aye gurl u shud holla bawk gurl aye shawty

  22. Did the princess seize my buddy's boat? Aye, Captain.

  23. Finished making and shading a skin. I think it came out sorta good :x http://i.imgur.com/YOsyH.png

    1. Matt011011


      I like it, great work!

    2. danic


      :D Thankee

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