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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by danic

  1. http://gyazo.com/60f1a584173f7552d3878a0d75b1d463 Anyone know why this bug is happening with Chromahills?
    1. danic


      It's only happening to Birch trees, too :(

  2. http://gyazo.com/8d5020e5a4e20999fe248aec76c43393 I can't help but feel this might be a little bit redundant.
  3. lavish my unclean body in your baby oil of truth

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      that sounds nasteh

  4. what are the current perks for gold VIP compared to iron? not sure if the donators page is up to date

  5. im using internet explorer right now, and it's not terrible

    1. danic


      it's actually pretty ok

    2. StevenQuick


      It's not. #GoogleChromeMasterRace

    3. gam


      you take that back right now

  6. i like the map of the whole world at the cloud temple, it's a really neat touch

  7. i can feel it in my inner thighs

    1. sophia


      what about your outer thighs

  8. yo ho yo ho off to sea we go

  9. a+ gold star 10/10 would watch again would recommend

  10. gettin real tired of your crap, forum avatars

  11. is the radar thingy on zans minimap against the rules

    1. Arkelos
    2. ThatCanadian


      Nope, saw it in a ban-report and it doesn't matter

    1. Neri


      For the sake of mankind, never touch a pickaxe.

    2. nordicg_d


      Hey there chap. Looks fine 2 me, whats the problem friend. Exactly. It's fine

    3. bickando


      Looks normal to me.

  12. oh, so now the halflings want to fly :( but when i tried to rally them with my hot air balloon in asulon, they told me to screw off >:(((((

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heff
    3. nppeck


      I miss that balloon

    4. gam


      we landed in elf land safely, then tried to take off again and exploded

  13. http://gyazo.com/68dd255e97e74deafd028d1da9221c39 i found a mighty pony to ride yet nothing to bring him home. why cruel world, why.
  14. mmm i can feel it in my thighs

  15. I feel like we should get a new forum skin or somethin :/ It's just really underwhelming and uninteresting compared to our past one https://web.archive.org/web/20121005072017/http://www.lordofthecraft.net/

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raptorious


      mr web admin danny

    3. CowsGoMoo


      Oh. Well that's good to know. Thanks for telling me! Actually checked his status message too, and he said he had plans, which is nice. ^u^

    4. Praetor


      I like the simplicity of this one tbh.

  16. Does anyone have an idea why I'm getting such low fps on the server? It seems like no matter what I do, I can only get around 30 fps and lower, and this is only on the server ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. problematic z

      problematic z

      Check to see if you have some kind of power save mode enabled on your battery settings, I had mine on and it made my fps really bad.

    3. K00l


      Around Vekaro-Elf area is always laggy if you're around there.

    4. drfate786


      Low FPS can be caused by a bad computer overused GB and viruses, it can also be caused by many other things, try cleaning your PC and running a Norton scan on your PC.

  17. my mom told me this was 4.0 so it must be true

  18. join magic muscles today, the gym program designed for and by magic users looking to regain their strength and confidence. try reading about our most famous success story; guardian of middle earth, gandalf http://i.imgur.com/nYaEWzN.jpg

  19. 2K games was nice enough to give all the people who preordered BNW a free copy of Civ IV :D

  20. I preorder Brave New World with the discount... And a week later it goes on sale for less than what I preordered it for... Sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gingernut97


      So you got no perks as a result of preordering it?

    3. danic


      Sometimes the steam summer sale loves kicking you in the balls...

    4. Space


      Maybe you should of waited for the steam summer sale, which we knew was gonig to be soon. Sometimes people don't even think. /s

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