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Status Updates posted by Brent

  1. Leaving the server. Bye everyone~

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Brent


      Shut up Ever

    3. danic


      Ever, you're being awfully generous. I'll give it a few days.

    4. Brent


      I'm not coming back .w.

  2. All this stress, I'm going to go cut myself...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bircalin


      And proceed to beat yourself senselessly with it?

    3. 0000


      Seriously, you should consider finding help. Self-hurt is not a good way to handle problems.

    4. Brent


      ._______. Some people...

  3. Thinking about leaving :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Brent


      No, I'm leaving because of what you just did.

    3. trotski24
    4. Brent


      That cat died of a heatt attack resently.

  4. these people dont know a good a ban appeal when they see it

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Brent


      You haven't heard? The man that Pugsy'd twice?

    3. Kaiser


      I know what you did but there's usually two sides of the story

    4. Shadowjax


      wow he fills out formal apology template and you still think this is not enough? He has gone through more than jesus

  5. Well eveybody, I am officially banmed.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dun_Irongut


      You are a mad man. I hope you get your comp fixed sometime soon. Until then, bye bro.

    3. AlphaCentaurus


      The ban appeal will be excellent.

    4. Brent


      Lol, see you guys in 6 months-never :D

  6. Figured out how to hack and get OPed on any server :v

  7. I hope we don't get attacked by tean avo...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. atticusmas


      Avo cant touch us. Especially because were whitelisted..

    3. Austin


      Yeah, they target non-whitelisted servers, due to there many alts and such griefing would be just stupid on here.

    4. Brent


      They could apply for LotC, get whitelisted, and outhack Vaq?

  8. Thinking of writing a story... need ideas .-.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dante


      Make a nice little story about your character in a fun and interesting scenario you'd like to have him in.

    3. Brent


      Boring. I want a monkey disarming a bomb to save the world from nuclear fallout in the Atlantic, and then he commits suicide.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      When I saw you tell Ever to get out, I lul'd so hard, for some reason...

  9. I'm ashamed. In September we had 900 people on the forums. Now, we have 400.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Brent


      Yeah, but that was over 5 months ago...

    3. Brent


      Yeah, but that was over 5 months ago...

    4. danic


      My god... time has gotten away from me... *picks up the recent newspaper*

  10. My parents make me eat way too much. I'm about to explode -.,

  11. Villain application... posted. Go take a look~

  12. Dropped my dads phone in the toilet <.>

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Braxis


      Ive done wrose..Crashed a Dirt bike into my dads bran new truck

    3. Brent


      Hurr. I shot one ofmy dads chickens in the face witg a pellet gun.

    4. CowsGoMoo


      D: Oh god. That's not good... I once dropped my glasses into the toilet... It was quite embarassing.

  13. Birthday over <. goodnight lotc>

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brent


      Oh yeah? I have an entire year left!

    3. KarmaDelta


      I have till September....

    4. Viper3X


      Seventh, your birthday is on the 20th? Mine is on the 21st. :)

  14. My AT app disappeared. Halp?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brent


      I can't copy/paste because I don't know where it is.

    3. Brent


      Oh I see now. Thanks for the help.

    4. Geo


      It should be in the denied section buddy, along with everyone's!

  15. New character. I'm a female Dwarf :3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phibbup


      Go Les-bo like Ever/Ingot did. End up succeeding in destroying Renatus this time, though.

    3. Brent


      Ingot was lezby?

    4. Brent


      Ingot was lezby?

  16. Posted a ban report on myself :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Brent


      See for yourself.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Because that is what cool cats do right?

    4. Brent


      Yeah, what he said. *walks away whimpering.

  17. On the path to becoming a golem. I win.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. danic


      I mean I would... If I knew you and Danic was still a crazed Allomamcer bent on world destruction:)

    3. Brent
    4. Redbaron™
  18. MAJOR social studies project due in two days, I haven't even started on it, and I'm sick :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. someguy45187


      I, your almighty cousin, shall do it for you.

    3. someguy45187


      I, your almighty cousin, shall do it for you.

    4. Brent


      Yeah right...

  19. I made a new face! ¿?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brent


      Dúos mágico sheriff áurea

    3. atticusmas


      ssǝupɐɯ sıɥʇ sı ʇɐɥʍ

    4. Brent


      Sido es mamotreto das gachí!

  20. Guess what I did today

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brent


      Nope, I ate a piece of cake off the bottom of my friend's shoe :3

      It was good, but I threw up immediaately

    3. danic


      Psh, What a wuss. I ate a cookie I found underneath a counter. Just wiped the mold right off. Wasn't dat bad:3

    4. LukeZo


      Psh, what a wuss. I ate a cake I found on the floor and didn't even wipe the mould off.

  21. Let's all share secrets. I'll start: I am sexually attracted to trains. My favorite? The chu-chu train.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JtPv


      Me next! *grabs flashlight, holding it up to his chin like a teenage girl at a campfire about to get slaughtered by the main villain* I'm pessimistic. But don't tell anyone!

    3. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      OOH OOH I KNOW! I am secretly.... *whispers* A potato. ~(o.O~)

    4. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      I secretly named my minecraft account off M&B not skyrim... That is why I never played a nord in Skyrim.

  22. LotC just died a little.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Redbaron™


      When most of the server is Oren, andmost of Oren leaves, LoTC died a lot. Js

    3. Brent


      I think they're trolling, considering they're mostly Oren officials.

    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Nup. From what I see, it was Whiterose/ nobles. Those aren't needed as we have an abundance of em.

  23. I've got to get my mind off this server :/

  24. How does one gain magical powers? Preferably evil :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brent


      I'm having second thoughts on being a golem. Thank you ShadowGunX, I will look for you.

    3. Rilath


      But you must realize how picky we are. We are currently the -only- shades, and we have had many people ask. You must be an excellent roleplayer to join, and be able to go with the roleplay as it happens.

    4. Brent


      I am a beastly RPer, at least I like to think so. I have provided amazing RP with being a villain.

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