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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Swgrclan

  1. You know what rustles me? Not auto aging your elf. Like, you have a good 20 IRL years on the person, does it really matter?

  2. Is there a thread to post in to get some of my old warning points removed? I'm sitting on 9 lol

  3. Who currently controls Dreadknight lore? I would like to speak to them in IMs, regarding a variety of things.

  4. Who currently controls Dreadknight lore? I would like to speak to them in IMs, regarding a variety of things.

  5. What happens if the elves were finally placed together in one spot?

  6. i've been meme'ing IRL and been getting great results

  7. ay yo fam where the clerics at

  8. Recommendations for player/staff interview for the newsletter?

  9. If a system of beliefs was made based on divine rejection and godlessness, would it be an attractive thing to follow? With the broad acceptance of dieties and their influences in the realm(s), I feel it's viable if structured in a unique, new fashion backed by an interesting style and legitimate backstory.

  10. I'm curious to hear the outlook on an event that would bring catastrophic changes - for example, a manevolent figure of dark power attains a means to shut off all access to the Void, or cuts the ties of the Gods off from the world, which prevents their respective groups (all Mages, Voidal and Divine) from channeling power. Let's say this lasts for a month total. Any opinions on such a thing?

  11. Weeks have passed without word from the skygods. Perhaps the virgin sacrifice of today will finally bring about the construct race.

  12. What Medieval II Total War Faction should I do my After-Action Report on? Milan, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Holy Roman Empire, France, England, Scotland, Russia, Hungary, Venice, or Sicily?

  14. https://imgur.com/a/uJI7F#2 Bird's comics about Swgrclan's wraith and my lich. Poor lich.
  15. Why were Elves blessed with long life even though they were immortal in the first place, like all other races (humans exempt)?

  16. There's a good 40~ male RP characters on right now, and 6 females.

  17. I should buy Sims 4 and just make all the lotc characters on it and let them go wild

  18. Generally speaking, if RP makes you mad, then you aren't RP'ing correctly

  19. I like writing, and lore accessories.

  20. Just tried tapioca pudding for the first time. It's literally just vanilla, I don't understand.

  21. The company takes what the company wants

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