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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Swgrclan

  1. I missed you CloakedSphere.

  2. Daily Trivia: What does Cerridwen represent?

  3. Swgrclan not being an LM is one of the true great injustices in the world

  4. Aegis Trivia of the Day; what were the first two dragonkin to hatch from two eggs in the conclusion of a Halloween event in late Aegis?

  5. Meeting Wyvrun, Aengul of Virtue, is kind of like a trip to McDonalds - Birdwhisperer.

  6. God I so wish to write something bloody ! :D

  7. Daily Trivia: In what server patch did jack o’ lanterns become craftable in the 2x2 grid?

  8. #cut4malghourn

  9. What do you think the LotC equivalent of sweatpants are?

  10. Tbh Rael is the worst GM. Never does modreqs.

  11. Funfact: the term "Uruk" is of Elven origin and part of the race's language. It has been incorrectly used by the Orcish race since around Asulon.

  12. It's hard being a Lich that undergames like a boss... You get BONEd all the time ;)

  13. White people are the problem, back in black is the cure. Fight for your local coal miners today!

  14. GMs being leaders is quite a.. complicated topic.

  15. GMs being leaders is quite a.. complicated topic.

  16. GMs being leaders is quite a.. complicated topic.

  17. GMs being leaders is quite a.. complicated topic.

  18. Aint no party like a druid party cuz a druid party don't stop until Oren is trees and acorns are in unsightly places.

  19. Reporting Swgr for logging on and off during rp.

  20. gonna make a kickstarter to send lulu to hawaii, the only tier's reward is "not having to deal with lulu for a week".

  21. uuugghh breaking benjamin y u go to oklahom and not texas.

  22. Why can't we resolve our differences with hugs?

  23. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, Menarra will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor's crown. - Revelation 2:10

  24. Deadpool is being killed off. Time to riot and mass no pvp everyone.

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