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Status Replies posted by Swgrclan

  1. The weak are meat and the strong do eat.

  2. I will build a great, great wall around the centre of the map to keep the homeless out, and I will make homeless mages pay for that wall. Mark my words.

  3. I will build a great, great wall around the centre of the map to keep the homeless out, and I will make homeless mages pay for that wall. Mark my words.

  4. Rumira sits upon a raggedy sofa resting in front of a warm fire. She sips a small bit of ale before picking up a piece of charcoal and sketching into the pages of a dark maroon book. Time passes and as she finishes the sketch she'd set the book aside and glance around Tharggus's mute home. The silence being unusual and dispiriting. She sips the ale once more and finishes off the last few drops before wrapping her arms around a pillow and crumpling up at the end of the couch. Swiftly her eyes would fall shut and dreams creep in.

  5. Join the ghouls. We have the free meat. And fun slow walks on the beach

  6. I think the vassalization of elves were

  7. Oh well would you look at that... I'm a LM now. :)

  8. Anyone have an idea for a sketch? I might take it and draw it. 

  9. Anyone have an idea for a sketch? I might take it and draw it. 

  10. Is the popular opinion on monsters and higher beings really; "If I can't beat it 1v1, it's bad?"

    Talking about Keepers, Wraiths, Dragons, Voidal horrors, et cetera.

  11. Take note: excluding a race from your capital city is bad for the production of roleplay.

    1. Swgrclan


      I may have IC reasoning for raiding settlements and murdering the population of said hamlets enmasse via PvP, but that doesn't mean it's proper, or that it produces good roleplay. As hub leaders, you must reflect on your decisions OOC sometimes, that's all! No salt to it, we're all peas in a pod here.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  12. Take note: excluding a race from your capital city is bad for the production of roleplay.

    1. Swgrclan


      I find the whinging about good work on a ideological concept that, under some circumstances, opposes your own, Lucien, acts as deterrent to fair discussion.

      I feel my claim is fair nontheless Leo, as other factors must be understood when making the decision of race exclusion and that some may find these kinds of decisions difficult to deal with, considering roleplay can be spread out across this map sometimes.

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  13. Selling enchanted fire elf maid( 2), 20k, slightly used, needs repair, knows magic and cooking

  14. Does someone wanna explain this imattyz drama for someone who has been asleep

  15. Though I admire the Creationist movement and it

  16. Though I admire the Creationist movement and it

  17. Though I admire the Creationist movement and it

  18. Serious Question: What type of media do you want to see? What are things you wish to see come back? Creative Caf

  19. Start a petition.

  20. https://gyazo.com/b8d548792421b36e53b401c6c79a9728 suppose hes getting banned as well yeah

    1. Swgrclan


      The fact of the matter is that the player was blacklisted for calling people faggots and retards in-game, as well as metagaming, whereas the other player called other players faggots beyond a LoTC medium. This is how the rules works.

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  21. https://gyazo.com/b8d548792421b36e53b401c6c79a9728 suppose hes getting banned as well yeah

    1. Swgrclan


      Objection; irrelevance. Don't ****-stir and bring other people down because some leaked Skype chat rustled your buttox

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  22. https://gyazo.com/b8d548792421b36e53b401c6c79a9728 suppose hes getting banned as well yeah

    1. Swgrclan


      Does that look like Minecraft chat and proof of metagaming to you?

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

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