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Status Updates posted by xDK

  1. I can't go outside, because there's a rhino right outside my hotel.

    1. Glasiconas


      Dude, it's just a curvy unicorn waiting to carry you off into the sunset.

  2. I don't get "goodnight" isn't it allways morning? Or atleast so it feels...

  3. I genuinely can't sleep because someone said i was immature and confrontational, to hateful and incredibly biased.. On my GM app.. And it really hurts..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Dk master troll

    3. Dalek348


      well you did call me a **** for liking beauty and the beast tbh

    4. xDK


      Yes, Dalek, you are quite right that i lost me temper a bit, when you said that the lore video reminded you of beauty and the beast, but that's also the only time in three years i've written something remotely close to hatefulness.

  4. I got SAAAAAAD news, jena wont be on for the next TWO! days... SSAADDNNEESS!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LuZZo_RaGaZZo


      Yeah.. Because he was sitting and playing maybe a half hour more... then the mom said to him : Okay thats enough, I can your computer time in the next two days!.... thats sad....

    3. Queen of Aegis
    4. Trouvo


      *TWO days

  5. I hope that things haven't changed too much, when i get back from Rome.

  6. I love work experience, when I'm sitting at the computer all day :D

  7. I made this, I just wanna hear what you think? http://i.imgur.com/dM6db.jpg

  8. I'm comming home tonight! Yayyyyy!!!

  9. I've been wondering about something... What is nothing?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Swgrclan


      Don't start this.

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Okay... Here we go: "Nothing" is something, since "Nothing" is a word created by human to identify something as nothing, like: "You're nothing" or "There's nothing here" meanning that it's up to every single person, depending on what they're facing. "Nothing" is abstract and can therefor not be classified as anything.

    4. xDK


      But if nothing, can't be classified as anything... That means it must be something, right?

  10. Jangle have amazing photoshop skills...

  11. Knock Knock... Who's there?... Igot... Igot who?... Igot no friends!

  12. Left the mdia team, since i aint doing much.

  13. Life is like cake, you take a peice and then you die...

  14. Mastur Guardian, finally.. Jeez..

    1. monkeypoacher


      how to be good?

  15. Maybe I can hit 500 posts in 4 years.. That's 125 posts a year.. ._.

    1. Demotheus


      *glances at his own ~2k posts in 3 years* um...yeah...

    2. Demotheus


      ***** at people on the forums and get into arguments. You'll get that post count up in no time :D

  16. Now i know that i hate Tunisia...

  17. Off Topic is on 1.999 Topics... Who will be the next....

  18. Okay guys... Let's have another mind breaking question... What's beyond life?

    1. Arkelos


      Beyond life.... Is something you have to create for yourself. Beyond your own life is your legacy, your history.... and at the end of your life you've reached beyond life.... you have reached and left your legacy.

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      What Vardak said, oh.. And DK, your mom.

      (:P <3)

  19. On the LotC in the middle of my english Exam.. lol.

    1. RK9ify


      On LotC forums in the middle of my enterprise class. :(

    2. Samler


      DK, ace it.

  20. Posted movie in video section. Check it out :P .

  21. Seriously people on the server are the most messed up and mentally unstable human beings, when it comes to RP.

  22. Sooo... Yeah... I guess i'm gonna take a break from lotc, since nothing is happening and it's just strait up boring... So yeah we'll see if i'll get back when the summer starts... Till then, bye.

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