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Status Updates posted by xDK

  1. Thanks alot native, my bearded god of awesomeness!

  2. The beard is going off, together with my hair! Bye bye!

    1. xDK


      This calls for a show yo'self post when I get home

  3. Those SM Apps... If you are Dane you'll get it.

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)
    2. Falks


      Much kink, very arouse.

      Doge <3

  4. Tourney thread going up tommorrow most likely.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InfamousGerman


      vladov b team 4 lyfe.

    3. Devland99


      *** off I am making one

    4. Bircalin


      Taric's Crown Jewels will prevail

  5. trolololololololololololololol... just like you


  6. Welcome Back Availer, It's an honour.

  7. Well... that's just awesome... Thanks to the roll back a few days ago, i have lost all my armor, and everything i had on me... the worst thing is, that i was about to move all my valuebulls to my second house when the roll back came... -_-

    1. Raptorious


      Looks like you got yourself a little fire there.

    2. gingernut97


      Winter is coming! Keep warm and make fires.

  8. What TS is everyone using, now that the LotC one is abandonned.. Apparently..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abeam


      mogs is the coolest

    3. Norman


      come 2 chuck's ts for a good time. free ddos and discrimination

    4. gam


      pretty much each race has their own ts. ask your nation leader

  9. what.... it was an accident... by the way you look good in white XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xDK



    3. Praetor


      o3o PERVY BOY, Altariël no more going close to you! :3

    4. xDK
  10. xDK

    Where you at minecon today? I Think i saw you. Or someone WHO looked alot like you.

  11. xDK

    Where you at minecon today? I Think i saw you. Or someone WHO looked alot like you.

  12. Who is actually at Minecon? And where do you hang out

  13. Why is school so much méme!!!

    1. LuZZo_RaGaZZo


      Wow. 1000 profile views very nice!

  14. With the right piece of cake you can get far in this world, but with the right amount of world you can get more cake!!!

  15. Wubeti Wub Wub Hi.

    1. Emp


      bzzz chicka doof doof waaoowww hello

  16. YES! Availer is back!

  17. YES! Over 1000 profile views!!! IT'S OVER 1000!!!

  18. You know the feeling, when you really like/enjoy something, but can do nothing else, than to watch it being burned/toxicated/polluted..

  19. You know the feeling, when you really like/enjoy something, but can do nothing else, than to watch it being burned/toxicated/polluted..

  20. You make me sick.

    1. xDK


      Good, I hope you get flashbacks to Vietnam or 9/11.

    2. Textarea


      Did you just tell yourself that you hope you get flashbacks of Vietnam or 9/11.......?

  21. Ze Minecon Tickets, Wohooo!

    1. Alec


      I'm rather jealous. :P

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