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Status Replies posted by VonAulus

  1. "Paris did nothing wrong! She just drove around while intoxicated! This is so unfair she broke the rules but she is getting the legal punishment for her crime! Let Paris out of prison!"

  2. forcing a kiss on another player is rape?

  3. Guys. be honest. did you rage if your whitelist app got denied? :3

  4. Guys the new map is coming out on 12/8. Get ready

  5. So I finally downloaded teamspeak....and my microphone is fricken weird...idk what to do

  6. Sparrow knows what occurs on 12/08/2012, and it ain't no Santa Express: www.usomissouri.org/events/santas-express-2012

  7. Why are so many people leaving? *sigh*

  8. Some LoTC Trivia for ya, what was this tree named? http://i.imgur.com/lzUnL.jpg

  9. Hey guys. How are you?

  10. LotC ShowYourself Game - Take a shot of vodka everytime you see someone with brown hair.

  11. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand my Mic broke :c

  12. Well I'm completely bummed out, bring back my old character, become a bannermen, get granted an isle, in the time I wait for the GM's to transfer ownership the emperor gives it to someone else, he being higher than the Duke that gave me the land.

  13. So I'm RP-ly trying to find the elven lands. I got lost, managed to travel across an ocean, found a long road and a stongehedge like structure, then it crashes. Why are elves so hard to find ;~;

  14. Reputation: 69.

  15. [Pre-Purge] Talon Tarus' VA Accepted!

  16. I love not finishing status upda

  17. You know what I'd like to bring with my character Ashe? Get invited to dinner so she can belch and fart when people are eating.

  18. We should kill all the peasants in oren.

  19. Wait, were Ologs accepted and implemented? Cuz I just saw an Olog and got confused...

  20. In the airport going to the USA

  21. Hmmm, how does a orc beat bloodlust? Right now im having my half orc, Elphaba, trying to learn how to control it, would causeing pain to herself work? anyone have any advice?

  22. Who crashed the server this time? :P

  23. #KateUpton2012

  24. I wonder what would happen if Panda got angry... Oh god, that would be horrifying!

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