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Status Replies posted by VonAulus

  1. I'll be back from my vacation on Thursday, can't wait to be home. To my orcish brethren, I'll be drafting up a post explaining Wulgehns whereabouts for the past month. Seeya soon!

  2. I wanted them to do Teenage Mutant Ninja Orcs.

  3. To answer your question, if your character has a dagger, you are edgy.

  4. I am le gronkk for hallween!!1!1

  5. To answer your question, if your character has a dagger, you are edgy.

  6. To answer your question, if your character has a dagger, you are edgy.

  7. wont be on for the next 1-4 days have fun guys stay out of trouble

  8. pls stop harassment you hurt my feelins

  9. Next up on list after Redneckmancy, Lightning Gatling Guns and cave lizards that spit acidic acid and poop explosives.

  10. So apparently my character Serenity is banished from Oren for 'sodomy' with Henry? How does anyone know they are together? And whoever bannished her for 'sodomy'...wtf do you think sodomy means?

  11. I'm asking this in the most serious and completely untrolly way possible. Is referring to somebody as a genderbender now considered a bannable offense?

  12. y'all mofuckas need jesus

  13. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the second ruling Council of Renatus in Asulon?

  14. Why can't we give GM's the ability to restart? They are the only ones who break it anyway...

  15. i heard boxxy was ddosing the server

  16. Remember: Green is not, a creative color.

  17. Removed from the FM team. Drained and relieved at the same time.

  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What has been the full name of the Elven nation for most of its existence?

  19. the admins we have are great

  20. Never forget the JuicyRhino. He got Permabanned for our sins. :(

  21. When you lead a group of role players my only advise is this "Improvise, adapt and overcome" quote taken from Massive Action Game.

  22. Wtf i cant get on server cause 1.6.4

  23. Server is having diarrhea. On a 1-10 scale, how smelly would you rate it?

  24. Anyone down to watch my 4.0 Worldpaint livestream in an hour or two?

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