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Status Replies posted by VonAulus

  1. you're mad tough ever

  2. That moment when you are doing a project in your Geography class to create a fictional country and a classmate names theirs "Anthos."

  3. Would you like the server to move more towards a Aegis-esque style of restrictions, map control, roleplay, etc or move back towards an Asulon-esque style? Would like to gauge opinion, although I think I have a good idea already!

  4. Okay, if anyone sees my online tomorrow, tell me to get offline instantly. I will be suffering from post-surgery highness and I don't wanna spread that to the server

  5. Ghould done,Drowner done,Harpy done.What next?

  6. Darkie meeting going on. There are only 2 possible outcomes.

  7. Spend three days organizing meeting, The Guy DOESN"T COME.

  8. What's a good race to play?

  9. 1999 posts.... ideas on my two thousandth?

  10. What is getting on my nerves now, is that the only market to inflate after voting began, is the agriculture. People are still dumb enough to sell their bread for under a mina, when you get 50 minas from voting! At the current price, people can't even consume as much bread as they can afford. This needs to be dealt with

  11. So, looking at the playerbase of the humans and other races playerbase I've got to a pretty rough idea. ¿What if LoTC was an only human RP server?

  12. Someone should write up some different crafting recipes for books like Blundermore's idea of 6 paper per book as paperback books. Or maybe different ways of obtaining leather. I'd tell you I love you.

  13. I need a slogan/motto/saying for the Lavada Family Brewery.. but what?

  14. Anyone want something to be drawn? I'm bored and feel like drawing something LotC related.

  15. Just wondering, who actually owns the server? As in who came up with the idea of this amazing RP community? I applaude you who ever did. This is amazing

  16. Alright, kids. It's time to get CONSERVATIVE. Incoming thread.

  17. LoTC has a lot of assassins and yet, you never hear about people being assassinated. Hmm.

  18. You know, if Oren gets too large, it could split in two like Rome did and then one side could be destroyed. Just a thought.

  19. Trying to think of ideas for events for Halflings... Creative skills = 0

  20. Why can't we just hate each other in rp and love each other OOC?!

  21. Pitiful, just pitiful. Half the races on the server just voiding each other's roleplay because they're upset at each other. Maybe this is why no one wants to play an Orc? Regardless, both sides need to grow up and get over it.

  22. Pitiful, just pitiful. Half the races on the server just voiding each other's roleplay because they're upset at each other. Maybe this is why no one wants to play an Orc? Regardless, both sides need to grow up and get over it.

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