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Status Replies posted by VonAulus

  1. Where's the mines? #stillwaiting

  2. I am going to make a caveman character now.

  3. Have you ever written a lengthy peice with your own opinions then pressed delete?

  4. If you had to use one word to describe your country what would it be?

  5. I am debating, take a girl to a dance or gold VIP.

  6. Been trying to install Shaders mod for 4 hours... Halp

  7. Quote of the year "The Hightowers used to be respectable, we had Archmages and High priests. Now we're a bad MTV series."

  8. Come to Urukports for your orcish needs.

  9. Panda, the Cutest Little Drug Lord.

  10. I've been thinking for a bit, how does Leoben Patrick WindRaker sound as a name change from Blundermore Patrick WindRaker?

  11. Even in provoked situations is it okay for a player to rip your throat out with out a Va even though it was a provoked attack?

  12. The lack of Knox is due to my internet connecting turning a tad unpredictable... I'll be more active the moment this issue is resolved.

  13. So I burned a portion of Oren towns.

  14. So I burned a portion of Oren towns.

  15. Alright, last time I post this specific block on a status. Can I get some feedback on the block I made? Be critical. I textured this! Any feedback? http://i.imgur.com/gWkXs.png

  16. Hello Lotcers, many of you may not know me, so let's change that! Hello, I'm Trazic!

  17. Why do I need security to get on TS?

  18. Why do I need security to get on TS?

  19. We need a warhammer 40k rp server that uses tekkit.

  20. @people against the LotC democracy: I may have been hasty. If the player vote has indeed been taken into account tomorrow then I don't see a need to proceed. But if we are ignored, then we should have a sort of...override system.

  21. So community, what kinds of guides do you want to see?

  22. >Dusk admits that the screenshots are real and innappropriate. >Apology is good enough for an admin to get off scott free.

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