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The Cleaning Crew

Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by The Cleaning Crew


  2. I need an mmo..free is possible. Just something ._.

  3. As much as I hate the spammy vote notifications I have to admit they're effective.

  4. My petition for brilliant breezer or fancy fedora was deleted :(

  5. So uh... What exactly do you "Clean" with your "crew"?

  6. Remove Abresi SS pillar

  7. Sitting at work with a thermos of lemonade, eating a whole jar of Nutella, watching Hulu, making 10$ an hour. I swear I have the greatest job in the world.

  8. Whoa, what just happened?

  9. I want a new Character but I have no clue what to do... Suggestions? Any idea will do.

  10. MPM!!!!! YUSSS

  11. First day of High School

  12. ReportRTS (modreq service) has been fixed and I have updated it to 1.6.2. Have fun! ^-^

  13. Progress hampered.. Temporarily.

  14. Progress hampered.. Temporarily.

  15. My nephew has Ecoli and is in the hospital because his dad let him play with the sick cows.

  16. Could Monks perform exorcisms on Ghosts? Their magic is extremely similar to Cleric magics.

  17. Could Monks perform exorcisms on Ghosts? Their magic is extremely similar to Cleric magics.

  18. Help me come up with some names. I need to name a sewer kingdom. I want it to

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      He said it's gonna keep the name if it ever rises to the surface. Who wants a kingdom named "The Murk"? 'Course I don't know why he'd move up. It's not like there's anything special up there. Just annoying weather.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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