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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. I consider that a complement. 6/10 I've seen you a few times.
  2. Well, big thanks to everyone at the event tonight, namely Gaius and Warlord and any other ET there. And to the Orcs, for letting us do it. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryno2


      wat happened

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      There will be a post soon about the outcome.

    4. Crayfishchris


      I was only there for part of it (Dinner and whatnot) but it was incredibly fun!

  3. Relgard sighs, mumbling to himself. "Don't touch my wife's crypt or I will literally cut you."
  4. Anyone know the saddle recipe?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      if you need the custom recipies that has all of them so far

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
    4. Amorphbutt


      You need a pinch of chafing.

  5. A letter is sent out to each member of the scions. "As a fellow Scion, I feel obligated to request assistance in a matter very important to the war against the North." The letter continues, the the remainder is identical to the posters around Anthos. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106222-the-second-step-seeking-aid/
  6. I'm getting auth server errors when trying to logging in. Is there a different IP I can use or anything?

  7. Forced. Forced PKs are bad. Consenting ones or personal rules are another matter.
  8. Force-PKs aren't fair to the player. They tell the villain "You did a good job, and didn't PG/Meta out of being captured. Now you're PKed." If we did forced PKs, we'd have to make it to more than just villains. The old "Assassin and target" argument comes to mind; how is it fair to PK an assassin of he can't PK his target? And from there it all just snowballs. How are bandits and assassins that different? Guards and Targets? Soon enough we'd have PKs for everyone, and that's something nobody wants.
  9. Honestly, this isn't something we need a new system to fix. When you have a repeat, don't go an complain about it on the forums. If a villain is actually returning often enough to be annoying, talk to a VAT or a GM. Popping up every thirty minutes to try something new isn't good villainy, and I am almost certain that, given screens, it will be taken care of. For the sake of the majority of villains, who do things reasonably, stop looking for ways to punish all of us because of a few that can be handled otherwise. If a villain creates enjoyable RP, and everyone around him has fun, why is it fair for him to have to never return to a city? To sit in a cell with no rp for a day? Villains have a job to do, and that's to provide fun RP. If they are successful in doing that, I think we can all agree they aren't a problem needing to be fixed. If they aren't successful, we already have systems in place to have them fixed or removed.
  10. My personal suggestion is to talk to the villain. Not in the condescending "We don't want to RP with you" tone I see a lot, but as another player of a game. Almost every villain I've talked to would agree to not return for a couple days if you actually go and speak with them calmly about it. People need to stop saying 'Villains need to be punished'. We're in this to have fun, and we're supposed to do it in a way that entertains those around us. If a villain's victim isn't having fun, it's not because he's a villain, but because he's a bad villain. By all means, find a way to discourage the bad villains that keep coming every day, but please, don't do it in a way that also discourages the good ones. A week of not being able to play a character sounds good when you only consider the villains giving you trouble, but what about the fun ones? The villains people enjoy playing with? Why should an hour of mutually fun rp be punished by a week in Jail Time?
  11. It's something that's always happened and always will happen. Bad villains exist. Get over it. Bringing it up and complaining on what is a rather positive topic does nothing to help. If you don't like what entails from being a guard, the simple solution is not to be a guard.
  12. ((OOC)) MC Name: Darkdragon274 Skype:TheWafflian Timezone: EST IC Name: Relgard Sintel Race: High Elf (Impure) Nation Allegiance: Malinor Age: 354 Can you fight?: Yes. I am very experienced in combat. Do you know magic?: No. Would you do work (Mining/Farming) for the Scions?: If needed.
  13. Well, I for one enjoyed the raid.

    1. ToenailTickler


      I For one was not in that Raid ;-;

  14. > Eating Peanut Butter and Crackers

  15. Yet another note is left in reply. "Elaborate. I was a member of the original Ravens, back in Aegis. The existence of this order interests me."
  16. Relgard Sintel attaches a small note to the paper. "Is this order affiliated with those that once were? The White Ravens of Aegis and Asulon?"
  17. That feel when you get home and realize you left MC on, and were on LoTC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      "Guys, I'm scared... He's just been standing there for weeks and hasn't moved an inch. He hasn't even gone to the bathroom... Do you think he's possessed by Iblees?"

    3. emberhard


      I saw you up there all still like in that house

    4. Eleatic


      Me too. I was just staring. o_o

  18. Rollback...? Please tell me it isnt that big of one...

  19. 12 minutes till TWD. 12 MINUTES

    1. Bakerismaxamis


      I'm watching the seconds of every minute pass too! :D

    2. CommunistSpy
  20. Ac'Aelu sighs, writing down the application format, filling it out. name- Ac'Aelu Corval mc name- Darkdragon274 age- 68 race- Mali'ame experience- I am not proficient in combat, but in information. I work best in such a field. Logistics and Tactics are also things which I dabble in.
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