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Everything posted by Heff

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    2. Rassidic


      Oh. That sounds better. Sorry if I sounded a bit arrogant in my last comment.

    3. Heff


      i dont care... its a good assumption. Many thieves don't even leave signs @Atoa346

    4. ~Cave~


      Yay. Have fun with your theivery!

  1. -Reserved For Gang Announcements- OOC: -Post Changes- Added Application
  2. ((It is constructive. He just wanted to put it icly which makes sense. Bandits are a gang not a guild, they don't have ranks.))
  3. Bod snickers "What idiots..."
  4. Tankard O' Gems Trading Company under Criminal and Bandit Factions.
  5. News soon spreads around the criminal underworld of a new threat to the wealthy. They go by no name except that of what the public knows them as Tankard O' Gems Trading Co. A Trading Company Of Salvian Origins that sells and trades goods that... may or may not have been your neighbors only hours ago. What the public does not know though is what lies beneath the Company. A group of thieves dedicated to the art. Stealing not for greed, but for the fun of being able to decieve all around you. There leader is only known by his alias "Red" .These burglars are not just any petty thief. They show a skill in the art of stealth, pickpocketing, and breaking and entering. They have no ancient origins, no formation story, just a man and a vision. The thief god, Banath, recieves offerings of gold and silver, although they know he will not favor him, they owe them their gratitude for being the patron of their art. What will this new gang bring to the table? They do not kill but taking something dear to someone hurts more than death. They each share a similiar redstone tattoo, a tankard of gems and go by the motto. "Whats Your's Is Mine" While walking the docks a little halfling stands on a stool in the alley ways, he has a sign next to him with a tankard o' gems on it. Many thieves may be attracted and ask him some questions, if interested you may even ask if you can join. If so he begins a process OOC: Mc Name: Time Zone: Time on the Server: You Undwerstand That We Do Not Do This For The Greed Of Pixelated Items and We Do It To Create Fun Thief and Heist RP: Link To Va (Must atleast have 1a, Rec. that you have 1b and 4a as well) : Rp: "W'as ya name?" "Ya race?" " 'ow ole are ya?" "Past thieving experience?" "Ya promise ta be secre' ?" "Don' kill righ' ?" "If ya was 'up pose to steal from merchan' a swor' - how woul' ya do i' ?" OOC: Please do not meta, the cover of the group is of course a trading company and that would be the only thing known about them by the general public. Of course a criminal may be invited and then sell the group to the guards, but I don't want any ooc spies telling the law enforcement that this new trading company is really a group of thieves. There is no application, all recruitment will be done in game. Remember, keep your trunks locked. Sorry if there is not much info, but I will be adding more as roleplay goes on. My aim is to bring thievery rp back into its golden age. No bodies will be buried, only trunks broken open.
  6. Whats a good thieves guild name?

  7. Securing Bod's legacy with an adopted halfling... def. not so I can keep playing a thief when Bod dies....

  8. Just playing with world painter when bored....

  9. MC User Name: ryanheff74 In Game Name: Aver-Athri Character Bio:((Optional, Would good too post though) I was born in a small village beside the High Elven Enclave where I was raised by two great parents. They taught me to be curious and wish to gain knowledge, but that was a mistake of theirs that made me unlike most of my High Elven kind. I soon got my hands on some books about adventures. My parents believed me to be reading on herbal science , the awful qualities of dirt valah, or mathematics. Instead I gained more and more thrist for adventure everyday. When my father found out my ambition he had a fit, he had wanted me to become a healer such as himself. That night I stood in my room, locked inside. Slowly I crept into the window and fled into the forest, at the mere age of 90! Soon I was abroad, I had used what coin I had to purchase a longsword and some robes. I now venture the land searching for artifacts and books on magic to aid my ambition to become a mage. Your Specialty: (Such as some everyday skills or combat skills) I am skilled in the longsword and have a knack for improvising. I also am a hardened ruin explorer and know how to handle myself in a fight. What is your character Alignment? Neutral Do you have a VA? if so what, for what evils?: ( Note getting 3.a is advised as our god is a deamon )N/A atm but I will apply for one. (( Any questions feel free to send me a PM and i ask that every one that applies please message me your skype so i can add you to out guild Skype chat.. ))

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      i gonna crash it..............nope

  11. When is the battle today?

  12. Too much conflict and ooc conflict and too little fun events and fun adventure rp :P. Join dah halflings! We have no conflict at all, unless its a drunken kurkuffle, and we plenty of relaxin' and partyin' and adventurin' .

  13. A hooded figure smirks at the poster, "Meh maybe one day." He turns and disappears into the shadows, guards swarming the area looking for a jewel thief.
  14. Did we have a ton of rollsbacks?

  15. Do we have horses yet?

    1. DecoLamb


      nope not yet! They cause a lot of issues, currently. Once other issues are fixed, horses will come, I'm sure.

  16. Make Halfling Characters! You won't regret it!

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