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Everything posted by Heff

  1. Server why u no come back up?

    1. Bucky_24


      I think the server RageQuit at the loss of it's precious Grove.

  2. The Wandering Witcher smiles at the application. He sends a bird to the poster. "Welcome to the guild, come to Ildicia and search for Jack, or better known as The Wandering Witcher."
  3. *all the posters are replaced with this* DISBANDED
  4. Your example.... Mother of God.... So confused.
  5. ((This guilds inactive right?))
  6. Jack reads the poster, "Better start the Witchers guild soon."
  7. We Gon' Slay Dose Beasties In Day Fort Right Homey Gs? #yoloswag

    1. Lark


      Shaddup before I disown you.

    2. Lark
  8. Jack The Witcher laughs out loud as he reads the poster. "I don't believe this order will last very long but who knows?" ((Great name guys I actually do see potential but the post is a little bland and the requires a little more creativity on the names, just some constructive criticism))
  9. Why u no post screens of Abresi haunting? On another note: Great lore! It was very fun to rp with you and I hope for more of these hauntings to take place.
  10. Thanks for this. So now I can change it without IC problems or paying for another weapon! As my char is a witcher he would know icly the monster's weakness to be gold.
  11. I am working on one right now. Too often monster slayers simply PVE with no rp whatsoever. I find this completely downgrading our (actually serious monster hunters) profession.
  12. +1 x 1000000 I haven't been playing my halfling very often but I think I may start once more and this event would be a perfect spring board for becoming interested in halflings once more.
  13. #gonnamissmog

  14. Meh Ita fair my status got deleted, what done is done but I think we will all miss mog. Although we disagree with the decision the staff knows best.

  15. Although I never personally RPED with Mog, I will feel that our serves has lost, many great people in the past day or two. But we must become optimistic and welcome all the newbies that come into our grasp. Farewell to the most hated emperor on this continent.

    1. Heff


      **I personally didn't dislike Mog, I think he had done some great work as a staff member.

  16. Server Down?

    1. Fid


      Really, Sherlock?

    2. Valon (Yokey)

      Valon (Yokey)

      That seems a bit rude.

    3. K00l


      No, went to sleep

  17. If Its Not Raevir Its Not Right!

  18. ((Is this guild public or will only thieves etc. know about it?))
  19. And I fail cliff jumping... and server crashes!

  20. I just saw a creeper ?????

    1. Lark


      The end is nigh.

  21. Yeah couldn't see one like that either. That'd be a well needed one!
  22. Bod hopes Ike rots in the nether.
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