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Everything posted by Heff

  1. If you get no rped does your char remember what happened?

    1. SparehoeCakes


      Really up to you. You can void it, most people do, but you can always RP it as a murderer that went through the village.

    2. Heff
  2. This helped me a lot. I was just killed with no rp and when I asked the player why he said 'Because you are an orc" So I learned he is a new player and cut him some slack. Unfortunately he had to leave before I could get my stuff :/
  3. On my halfling I've killed an Orc, by accident of course. But the point is halflings are clever, small, and quick giving them a slight upper hand. But yes not many would want to participate.
  4. Name: JUzdIn'KrAThol Age: Twine Race: UrUk What location would you like to work at: Da TrUg uNd AbrusI What are your prefered hours [EST, GMT, Etc.]: EST
  5. Juzdin rubs his brain, "DIZ 'URTZ JUZDIN'Z ZKULL!"
  6. Funnest RP: Orcs and Halflings

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I'd have to say I disagree, I think the horses of the community have the funnest rp...

  7. You don't have to apply to make an orc char right?

  8. Yes, just yes.
  9. Fumble pouts, "I' only it wasn' a biggun place."
  10. Server just restarting?

  11. Ryan Darkwoods Back Guys!

  12. "Dis is da Bomb!" -Frogo Gabbins

  13. SO.... what was the thread Ever was talkin' bout?

  14. When you remember Halfling rp is the best... :]

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Blood Walker RP is best RP.

    2. seannie


      for the blood father

    3. darth sithlord
  15. 'Wait for the thread!" Wot thread? Am I missing something?

  16. Don't argue (dodododododooo) be happy.

    1. ToenailTickler


      You can't tell me what to do >:(

  17. [size="5"]Character Name[/size] Nobody Nicknames: Bod Age: 23 (atm) Gender: Male Race: Salvian (Human) Status: Alive and healthy Description Height: 5 feet 3 Inches Weight: 112 Ibs Body Type: Slight (Ectomorph) Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Skin: Pale Markings/Tattoos: Tattoo of a tankard of gems on the back of his neck and of a dagger on his back left shoulder blade. Health: Very Healthy Personality: Outgoing, talks quickly, very curious, angers easily. Inventory: Dagger and knife, a pack of stolen goods, a small sack of coins, and a crossbow. Further Details: [size="3"]Life Style[/size] Alignment*: Chaotic Nuetral Deity*: Banath Religion: Om'echan Alliance/Nation/Home: Tends to have beds and hiding spots to live in temporarily in the Abresi docks and Kralta. Job/Class: Thief Title(s): (Self-proclaimed): The Thief Lord Profession(s): Thief, pickpocket, burglar. Special Skill(s): Stealthy, experienced knife fighter, good in hand-to-hand combat, quick, and light on his feet. Flaw(s): Not very strong, compulsive liar, sugar addict, kleptomaniac, and can't sit still. [size="3"]Magic*[/size] Current Status: Arch-type: Sub-Type: Rank: Weakness(es): Strength(s): Current Spell(s): [size="3"]Weaponry[/size] Fighting Style: Rogue Trained Weapon: Dagger, crossbow, slingshot, and slashing knife. Favored Weapon: Dagger and slashing knife combo. Archery: Can't shoot a bow unless it is a crossbow. Biography Parents: Joe and Mary. (Names unknown to Bod) Joe was a drunk and Mary was extremely depressed Siblings: Unknown Children: N/A Extended Family: Considers his friends Vuln, Lark, and Valon to be his family. Pet(s): Once had a wolf, (deceased). Frost, his pony (lost). History On one of the rare snowy eves in the wilderness of Salvus a new arrival appeared at an orphanage. There was no name. A baby, lay in a picnic basket, swaddled in red cloth. The child was named by the old, kind, grandmother who ran the orphanage, "Nobody" because it had been late and she was quite tired to think of a name. After the woman's death her daughter took over when Nobody was at the age of 1. The daughter was mean, had no care for any of the children and fed them the most meager portions. Bod, as the boy had become to be known as took charge. At the age of 4 his mischief had increased, stealing sweets and bread from the kitchen, all of the owner's food was made. The children respected the young one greatly, he would bring a change to their meals of rice and stale bread with cookies and cake. And then one fateful night, it was Bod's birthday when the orphanage burned down. =To Be Continued= Artwork
  18. Ryse grips the poster as the steamship cuts through the water. Gallmore was no where in sight, but they had just begun their voyage. The stout dwarf sailors yelled commands above, piercing the constant squaking of seagulls. After thinking his decision over again Ryse picks up the pen and parchment. He Begins To Write, "Dear Commissioner, My name is Ryse Miller I am a *something is scribbled away with another word in place* Human. I have basic knowledge of the use of my sword, the gladius, and wish to serve the Republic as a member of the armed forces. Please send me a bird, as I will be on the island by the end of this night. Hopefully I can be of use to you. Sincerly, Ryse." Ryse drops the paper and folds it. He walks over to his pack, where a bird sits atop. He attaches the note to the bird and it flies off, high above the ocean and into the morning mist.
  19. Where is a fast travel to Gallmore?

    1. Pinsir99


      Vaerhaven Docks. Or the boat in Gemglade.

    2. Heff
    3. Lago


      Dwarven docks.

  20. Okays so is this just a restart? Or will the server not come up for awhile?

  21. Magic Touch... Watch guys Its Gonna Get Back Up When I Refresh.... and nope. .-.

  22. GUYS! The entire GM team broke the server. It was their conspiracy all along. Pssh obviously

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