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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. Well I am tempted to cut my ties from all military rp and become a halfling, since everyone ******* about rp fighting... It is a chore for the person who actually wants to rp fight and can. #Peaceful halflings 2012

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      This is a bit late, but YES!

  2. Well i'm probably going to leave soon~ I made this a status just for some of the people I have role-played with to say good-bye eventually.. By April i should be gone, Or maybe next week. Depends on the rp quality of the server from now on~

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shuness


      You know, you never did reply to my thread.

    3. ScreamingDingo


      Wut thread ._.

    4. Dun_Irongut


      RP'd with you once, very shortly. I enjoyed it. Sorry you plan to leave and I hope you change your mind. The only way the RP on the server can decrease more is when those who are good at RPing leave.

  3. Well I've been playing Batman:AC and I'm thinking of making a character like the riddler, Who steals items or people and sets riddles to come find him, If you pass you get the items or people kidnapped.... Though would people want that?

    1. Shuness


      Too Unoriginal.

  4. Well I've had a fairly **** long rp session... -Facedesk-

  5. well you caliphate guys kinda fucked up and turned a small dog into a giant monstrocity

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeepDarkSamurai


      Yeah. The outsiders came in, fed it, and I was actually planning on actually talking to marked men about it myself before the event happened

    3. leave me alone
    4. Samsan99


      time for monster hunting licences

  6. What's on your mind??

    1. Varstivus


      Make skins. Might get moniez.

    2. Lykos



    3. Cappy
  7. When I try improve relations with the admins, and others were also doing this. I get banned 3

    1. Samler


      Likely stress.

  8. when people **** over event locations, ggwp

    1. Temp


      RIP, man. RIP.

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Yeah good going white people

  9. When you get that lonely, You rp cutting a tree down ;-;

    1. Auvreaeath


      I do that just to make sure I RP it correctly, Never hurts to practice? <3

  10. When you have 20 people hunting you because of a 1000 minas bounty.. And they meta me ._. ... The life of a villain will go away soon, Bart's on his way so I don't deal with this sh*t...

    1. Brent


      Made a new character and someone meta'd my MC name once, not fun.

    2. Project Epsilon

      Project Epsilon

      Oh I remember playing a villain once on my old server, he literally got bullied and his privacy was constantly invaded. People just don't appreciate a good scheming Villain anymore...

    3. Cossair


      Aw man, a bounty hunt like that would be damn fun though.

  11. When you make Liri rage ;~;

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blundermore


      Meh, I always make her rage/annoyed/mindbuggered... Aren't you suppose to be studying Liri...? Tisk Tisk Tisk... we might have to ban you again if your not studying...

    3. Lirinya


      I am totally studying T_T

    4. ScreamingDingo



  12. where r u event proposals

  13. Who Wants to read my Va backstory of how I got split personalities?

    1. ScreamingDingo


      And Give me Feedback :D

  14. Why am I the only person not really pumped for 3.0, since it could take a turn for the worse and suck completely... Also I'm not really a fan of 100's of Dovahkiins coming up since of the Antagonist Dragons

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gunner


      The screenies are not really making it any more better. It's a been a big wait, not much Island information, and overall annyoing with these temp maps.

    3. Cappy


      Whether to anticipate it or not is your decision - but don't let your choice affect the excitement of others. ^.^

    4. ScreamingDingo


      A positive look on things lead people to being disappointing when they're enthusiastic for the best

  15. Why do I want my character to cut peoples faces off and put them on puppets....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      ;~;.. Alien Ruins Mah Mood...

    3. ScreamingDingo


      ;~;.. Alien Ruins Mah Mood...

    4. ScreamingDingo


      ;~;.. Alien Ruins Mah Mood...

  16. Why does it seem like people use the VA system to avoid losing... Say a guard is about to execute you for attacking a noble, then you respond with "Do u have a VA or I br you"

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Yoff


      @ Jchizz @Esterlen

      The thing is, even today there has been tests where people have hurt others because a higher rank has told them to.

    3. Yoff


      Not actually hurt them, but made them believe they have been hurting others.

    4. Jchizz


      Okay, okay. Fair points, you two.

  17. Why LOTC lack of Theaters ;~;... Stupid Town and them building a council hall over the stand ..

  18. woah all the weaboo statuses got deleted

    1. mitto


      you're right, mine did too :( it wasn't even offensive

    2. mitto


      half of the people who made the status' like and watch anime lmao

  19. Would I have to "train" in shamanism to be a witch doctor or can I say I came from a family that's be with medicine and shiz...

  20. Writing a Newspaper Article for Geography is hard ._. ...

  21. Writing mah VA.... I hope I can actually write today .w.

  22. Yeah I read that, It's quite fine XD

  23. you people should totally post event proposals, yeah

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