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Status Updates posted by Aislin

  1. *goes to revoke Ouity's VA*

  2. *hovers his cursor over the feedback forum*

  3. *is honored he is buried next to Khronos*

  4. *is honored he is buried next to Khronos*

    1. Danny


      no problem<3xx

    2. VonEbs


      Did his body decompose into enchanted diamond swords?

    3. Aislin


      Aislin's been digging to the left, trying to see. I suspect TNT, but we'll see. Aislin is pretty decomposed himself so it's slow progress.

  5. *Is hungover and confused*

  6. *is hungover and had no clue what you just said*

  7. *opens chest, sees diamonds are missing, asks for logblock*

    Maybe accepting your VA /wasn't/ such a good idea. :P

  8. *plays his guitar because sad*

  9. *Strokes his beard*


  10. *strokes his moustache*

    Stranger danger is a lie. Come with me to my van.

  11. *Twiddles his thumbs as his VA and GM app are under review (hopefully)*

  12. *wonders if his FM buddies can track her +1 activities*

    So, how are you (aside from your diseaseness)? It seems every time we speak it's because of negatory things.

  13. >Excited to join the LOTC TS for the first time in a month >Has to wait a ******* long time to "increase security level"

    1. Cyndikate


      I hope you didn't get to 103 minutes like I have.

    2. PtahWithin
    3. Skippy


      Aislin my school laptop won't let me view your page

      Get the nasty stuff off please

  14. >ISIS disallows memes >US government decides to use memes against ISIS > LotC staff bans memes > GM team = ISIS

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Z3r05t4r
    3. Rethai


      It's all becoming clear..

    4. Mj.


      If only status updates could gain rep Aislin

  15. >Sees he is still Iron VIP

    >Reassures his lighter "Soon, my child."

    >Scorns Danny's name

    >Loves his body anyways

  16. #1MonthUntil2Years0WarningPoints0BanReports0StrikeReports

    1. cj_scout


      I can fix that. *trollface* Jk, you're cool.

    2. Aislin


      Im going to ban report you for cyberbullying

    3. Elindor


      I'm going to be antagonised on one of your posts so you get a warning.

  17. #95thPercentileACTscore

    1. CommunistSpy


      Pretty good for an orc, I guess..

    2. PtahWithin



  18. #AislinForLeadDevRoundOne?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Both of you guys need to be up there in staff.

    3. Aislin


      Actually #ShiftForLeadDevRoundTwo

    4. Tethras


      Yarp #ShiftforLeadDevRoundTwo

  19. #BanZarsies

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parading


      I circlejerk, but I would think it'd be dangerous to preform such things 24/7

    3. Aislin


      I aspire for 24/7 but i have not succeeded yet

    4. Parading


      I've achieved 23/7

  20. #BringDiscoBack2013

  21. #BringUndeadBack2013

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Check my idea out, it allows the Undead to come en force.

  22. #BringUndeadBack2013

    1. NomadGaia
    2. V0idsoldier


      People ***** now. People will ***** when they return. Cant appease everyone. I hope the staff makes a decision based on what they believe is best though because people will be and complain either way

    3. mmat


      I approve of this message.

  23. #bryophyte4life

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