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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by FORƎST

  1. And life is for the alive, so lets keep living it, just keep living it, REALLY LIVING IT!

  2. http://i.imgur.com/vhsm1IT.png if u wanna find the remnants of the white rose!!
  3. Well some friends think I'm being DDos'd based on my 30% packet loss on TS heading out. Is there any other way to check?

  4. Well some friends think I'm being DDos'd based on my 30% packet loss on TS heading out. Is there any other way to check?

  5. Anyone ever read George Ornwell? Good philosopher, not my favorite author though,

  6. I feel stupid asking, but why???...did you change your name?

  7. Sometimes I just upvote people's posts just to make them feel a little bit better about themselves for a few minutes. Or maybe its the gin talking.

  8. Let it go on record that if the staff are not held to the same standard as the players they subjugate then I do not wish to be unbanned.

  9. There is a difference between being Emotionally Invested in your character, and being Emotionally Obsessive. One gives you the highs and lows of your chars, the other pisses you off cause you cant have your way. Which are you?

  10. I don't understand why the admins would remove soulbinding because of 1 weapon when I literally would of stopped soul binding it if they asked.. lol

  11. So how /does/ one join the Undead?

  12. I just need to remind everyone that raw toast is great.

  13. keep the straight man down

  14. keep the straight man down

  15. hey guys we have a really big issue. Sandk1ng is running about cybering with newer players. Rally in arms against the cyber monster and call upon the cyber police to defend this once safe community!

  16. Well, so much for RP tonight, been 6 or more hours and still stuck in a wall, so looks like I gotta wait till tomoz for someone to just /warp jakesassy40 spawn but oh well better luck next time.

  17. Could any ET or GM or anyone else please just tp jakesassy40 (me) to spawn, I got a shis load of enchanted armour I was moving, and now cause of a fuking SS i'm stuck in a wall. With only 2 hearts left now.

  18. Thomas Chivay did nothing wrong.

  19. So I hear the nexus mods that have been rolling out in my absence have been quite impressive

  20. I just played Dota 2 for first time, I have osmething to do while I wait for my CSGO penalty is over

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