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Snake Plissken

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Status Updates posted by Snake Plissken

  1. Going on holidays again, sorry to everyone Ive put at an inconvenience by doing so. Back 15th (14th for you Americans)

  2. goodbye tier 5 mages :)

  3. Happy new year, fellow Australians!

    1. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Listen here you little ****, Australia is not the only god damn island in Asia.

  4. Heading North to that freezing wasteland they call Europe in a few hours, wont be back until the 10th of July. Probably wont be able to get on the forums while Im gone, and there's an even smaller chance Ill be able to get in-game. Bbl, LoTC. Will miss my Aussies :C

  5. Hey, just wondering who's running Glenwood nowdays?

  6. how about we turn on leaves despawning and stop banning people over this stupid ****

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Merkaken


      Or we could hold down the left mouse button and destroy leaves since it really isn't that difficult.

    3. Luchian


      You do realise that breaking the leaves are actually worth it, as if you have a high lumberjack skill you get **** from it.

    4. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      i realize that, but people getting banned for not removing them is just ******* retarded

  7. How has Microsoft sunk this low...? https://www.youtube.com/user/ScroogledTruth

    1. ToenailTickler



    2. ToenailTickler


      Also I need your skype for priest stuff

    3. ToenailTickler


      It's warlord212 btw

  8. Human players need to learn the difference between the Thoringrad/Raddusch area and Storms Crossing.

  9. I dont think "restart" is the right word... How about we switch to "scheduled crash"?

    1. Telanir


      There's about 70 players online. What are you talking about?

    2. Lathros


      oh gurl, you just got owned by a Telanir~

  10. I love being white.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hoodmaster906



    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      Jesus, Owl. You can't just openly talk about skin colors like that. This is the 21st century!

    4. MamaBearJade


      My feels! I am telling you I am a proud Native american red ski- What? I am white? Ah f-

  11. I now identify as Kurt Russell's character 'Snake Plissken' and everyone must respect my decision to do so by greeting me with the phrase, "Snake Plissken? I thought you were dead".

  12. I swear the server is down more than it is up now days....

  13. I've started to wonder, why do dwarves jump so much?

    1. Lvke


      so they can punch people above the knees :)

    2. leave me alone
    3. Hobolympic


      To match the height of others

  14. If someone is shot twice in the back with a crossbow, stabbed in the stomach with a dirk and then stabbed in the eye with a dirk, would it be fair enough to say they are dead?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      really depends.

      They would be immobile almost certainly.

      It's likely they'd die because the two shots to the back could hit organs, but if they missed vitals, it's possible to survive that. Stabbing in the stomach (abdomen) would almost certainly cut open an organ, and the eye would hurt like hell.

      They're dead.

    3. nordicg_d


      thanks Dr.Charoodler

    4. Dougstalicious


      Philly said he was shot in the shoulder and forearm, not the back. He also says he was vertically stabbed in the belly, basically the underside. And the eye wound just destroyed the eye.

      My character was the one that managed to fix him up.

  15. im mad now bring brothels back plz

    1. EmeraldStag
    2. monkeypoacher


      as the owner of the brothel that pissed the GMs off for some reason, I can only say sorry

    3. excited
  16. Is it just me, or is the server down even though the main page says its up...?

    1. xFrozt


      yeah the server is down

    2. Ryn Chirr

      Ryn Chirr

      its not just you

  17. Is the server down AGAIN??!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~
    3. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      This is kinda ridiculous... Its down once in every three days *Goes off to play FNV until the server comes back up*

    4. ~≈Panda≈~
  18. Is the server down?

    1. steelersfan1221


      Yep has been down for hours now.

      Pretty sure we got Dos'd again.

  19. Just finished watching Game of Thrones, series 1, and I can say that it's the most amazing show I've ever watched!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Read the books if you haven't already . Also, Dumbledore dies at the end.

    3. 154684321654951


      Yes, series two is even better than the first. You'll love it!

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Only just finished season 1? You have a long way to go child.

  20. Just wondering now that its been almost a week, why is the server down...?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lykos


      Definitely wizards.

    3. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      It's the wizards. Did someone let Ron break the server?

    4. Sultan


      We are moving server providers.

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