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big narstie

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Status Updates posted by big narstie

  1. u r a bad munki eat sum nanas and gtfo

  2. Ily tibby bbz xoxoxoxoxo xx plz dun fite mi irl i seen how much jackd u r and it am not guud plz dun fite beet up sam cus he am greesi

  3. omfg u r in ma b4d bukkz now munki


  4. ily bby gib mi ur babyz

  5. nworbmas iz bare gressi dunt even lisun 2 him he am lyk vampir he dun gu outs1d3 ncase da sun catch iz hair and he go all pew pew bum and burn 2 def and he dus bath in chip oil innit

  6. Raptor and Snazzy am hip(sterz)

  7. Told you I set the trend.

  8. A plague of both your houses! (Directed at House Sillygoose and House Essex.)

    1. Goliath
    2. Pum!



    1. Samoblivion


      *Sees the name 'Jeremy Kyle' in the title and gets the fudge out of there*

  9. Waiting on a modreq...

    1. Dargene
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      [8:27:20 PM] #MunkehCawfee: Cheese > Yekim

      [8:27:23 PM] Yekim: Dragons are sup-


      [8:27:25 PM] *** Yekim has left ***

  10. OK, so some haters have been saying I didn't snort a line.

    1. gingernut97


      Haters gonna hate broski, don't let dem haters bring y'all down.

    2. big narstie

      big narstie

      yh yh cos YOLO rite?

    3. Lykos
  11. Snorted a line in maths class today off ma head cos #YOLOSWAG

  12. Scotland is the only country where wearing a skirt is considered manly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      Nope, wearing a kilt is manly no matter what country you're in.

    3. danic


      I wear a pink skirt to school everyday. Get on my level.

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Hehehe, I heard this joke once: Why is a kilt called a kilt? because a scotsman kilt the last man who called it a skirt! ^_^

      Fun thing-> Even though it was a scottish friend who told me that joke, I have met 1 person in the whole world who took it as an offense.

  13. I'm secretly Jeremy Kyle

  14. Illuminati

    1. DrakeHaze.


      I love that flavour of Icecream

  15. fanx bbz fel smae way lool xxx

  16. Seems kinda legit, not much though

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