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Everything posted by Wobbajack

  1. The /good/ portion of the Elder Scrolls franchise > The Plague > dirt > Skyrim

    1. mmat
    2. Ford


      Skyrim is fantastic when it comes down to what it is supposed to be. It's an open world exploration RPG. Most of the complaints people have with Skyrim is "muh combat"

    3. Mankaar


      Skyrim was like staring at a very grey, and only grey sky.

  2. Happy Fathers Day guys!

  3. Is the cure for personas or accounts?

  4. Boo. Let's destroy the cure and become a zombie RP server.

    1. Pum!


      Zombies that throw up blood, totally!

  5. I like it. Would move things along pretty nicely, as long as keeping people on their toes.
  6. So if I'm reading this right, there shouldn't really be that much of an issue over the new TOS. Most of our donation perks have to do with plugins, and I think that's alright? Right?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      As Bird pointed out. All the perks and VIP things have to go and become available for everyone by default D:

    3. Wobbajack


      Donations can only be received without giving anything in the game, everything else is a purchase. Using the correct term is important.

      — Searge (@SeargeDP)

      June 12, 2014


      don't have daddy mogroka to bail you out this time

  7. I hearby name this, the Arzotan Plague.

  8. I personally like the idea of making them hostile. Either that, or limit the amount of dogs a player can have (one or two should be enough). And make it so that they disappear after a while.
  9. That ending tho.

  10. Lord Baelish scares me.

    1. Kim


      Your face scares me, Myst.

    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      get wrecked nerd

    3. Wobbajack
  11. Does anyone have any lore pertaining to the Auvergne herritage/culture? It seems interesting and french is always nice.

    1. Bangi


      Add me on skype, djspitfyre/Bangi and I can help you find some. I happen to have a chat with the expert on all things Auvergne.

  12. The world is a dastardly place for those not caught up on GoT.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Oh, I know! Greet. Offer. Thank.

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I do all of those three things, so i'm good! :D

    4. bickando
  13. Sent in my submission for the Media Team contest. Here's hoping.

  14. Seeing as how this has been revived I'll use it as an excuse to ask a slight question... What does ahernan mean? I've heard a few saying this, but I can't find a solid definition in this thread.
  15. Is the server crapping out on anyone else?

    1. Angel~


      The Tremor's are to much! x3

    2. Parading
  16. Is the server crapping out on anyone else?

  17. OMG we get it. We get there was lag. Stop making a bazillion posts degrading the staff. Do you really expect there NOT to be lag when 80+ players are in one area fighting?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. argonian


      Were you even there? It crashed people's Minecrafts. We've had bigger battles before with NO lag.

    3. Samoblivion


      Mhm. It was a poor decision by the person who did the broadcast, but don't paintbrush the staff about this.

    4. xenenxnennxnx


      I agree. NGL, but I expected there to be lag, as I've heard that happens. I think people are more upset about the rollback/staff post and less about the lag (because there is usually lag anyway).

  18. Guys... cut the Tech Team some slack, and take a chill pill.

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