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Status Replies posted by Pnoynoy

  1. Time to power clean the house. Should I spray my sister with air freshener or windex to wake her up?

  2. I'm gonna get off, this battle has just been killed with the fact that the server crashed

  3. I think the antagonist should make their major debut in the middle of the Oren-dwarf battle. That would make for one heck of an entrance.

  4. Huh, thats odd, I just noticed this on the GM app... "You also understand that you must resign from any 'high-ranking' in-game leadership positions e.g. Kingship, Military Commanders upon acceptance."

  5. Okay guys - it's time to make it official. I've struggled with this for a long time, but I think it's best you all knew. I don't like bacon - it's rancid. (y)

  6. I have successfully installed the Aether mod. I am enjoying it so far...though I just got to the Aether, but yeah. I can't wait to see the wonders of the Floating Islands :D

    1. Pnoynoy


      Gaius thought you would know by now, there are no chicks on the web :O

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Sometimes I wish I could see the people who +1 posts.

  8. I'd say that North expedition went well, what do you say, dead bodies? :3

    1. Pnoynoy


      Do keep in mind that it was the north which requires highest standards, i liked it. It was very scary and fun!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. My very own "Make your own Guantlet" map coming to PMC & Reddit soon ;p

  10. Never playing a female character again once these ones die off. Girls are too sad.

  11. Passive aggressiveness is so intimidating :C

  12. One day, I will make a clan of elves called the Khee'bler clan. Or maybe the Sahn'ta clan.

  13. Sometimes I wish I lived in Middle-earth...

  14. Oh great, another guide-thing describing High Elves as purely racist, snobby educated RP'ers. Lovely. Exactly what we need to stop people from joining us.

    1. Pnoynoy


      Well, you need to make an APP to get into the city..

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Not a stalemate. The battle was over the Dreadfort. Whoever controlled the Dreadfort at the end of the battle won. It is pretty much that simple.

    1. Pnoynoy


      It was declared a stalemate cause ******* where bitching sadly, how else to tone any drama down?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. Dreadfort''s still standing, bros. You didn't even DAMAGE Lorin's tower.

  17. Usstan ssinssrig dos

  18. i dreamed... of loads of sexy men... was a good dream yesh

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