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Status Updates posted by Snoop

  1. Why is the server down?

    1. Kaiser


      restart, be back in a minute

  2. Where is the Oren Tourney being held?

    1. Archbishop


      not sure we're more focussed on getting the queen back

  3. Company of Heroes 2 or Age of Empires 3?

  4. I need a human southeron skin. Anyone have one?

    1. Amorphbutt


      Yes. *hands the decaying flesh of a Southeron*

  5. Infection masks should mess with the vision http://i.ytimg.com/vi/cnWesHuLfxc/0.jpg

    1. Dyrr


      Great idea-- However, I'm not really sure if that's possible via coding a plugin. I may be wrong though, hopefully!

  6. Need four dollars for Mount and Blade collection. Someone assist.

  7. Can anyone make me a skin/head for my character?

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      I'll try. What do you want?

  8. Looks like all the GMs are too busy playing League to get on and do their job.

    1. Geo


      Oh sorry, I'll just log back in and unban the people that I just banned.

  9. The Livestream has been lost. It's happening.

    1. racingbrother


      There's one on Russia Today

  10. Hope 4.0 comes out before the end of the month.

  11. Stop deleting my status. A neutral GM should have taken that report. Not someone who is close friends with the victim.

    1. Jachnun


      Yh! This imppstrosable

  12. Victoria II is on sale for 5$! If only I had 5$

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      Here's 5 internet $'s.

  13. Anyone have a map of Athera? Possibly one showing the regions?

  14. If I bid for an item, but I am outbid. How do I add on minas to my current bid rather then have to re-add another large sum all over again.

    1. VampsWillDie


      YOu don't. Fairly certain it gives your money back when you're outbid, so you just bid higher again.

  15. Why do region pillars mark people as not active, even though it said they are, but suddenly changes to not?

    1. FalconByte


      Because when you are first claiming a region you need to have the right amount of people on at the same time to claim the region

  16. Why can I not edit the wiki?

    1. Llir


      You have to PM one of the wiki admins such as Jistuma, Everblue, or Kalamoot

  17. Actually, how do I make glass panes?

    1. Heff


      tinkers table

  18. What year did we arrive in Anthos?

    1. Fishy


      250 something is around the time I remember Asulon ending.

  19. Why does redstone not work for the gate?

  20. Could anyone give me some assistance in recoloring my character's hair and facial to be whiter since he is literallu 105 due to auto-age?

    1. Reeg_


      Shoot me a PM. 

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