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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Heero


  2. LotC Trivia of the Day: What Aegis-born group had the rule that no member may have a gingerbread allergy? (Should be difficult unless you just use the wiki you dastardly point fairies...)

  3. LotC Trivia of the Day: What nation in Aegis was the target of pugsy’s infamous killing spree? Hint: This nation’s last attempt at revival was (roughly) during the Fringe.

  4. LotC Trivia of the Day: What nation in Aegis was the target of pugsy’s infamous killing spree? Hint: This nation’s last attempt at revival was (roughly) during the Fringe.

  5. Enough dogshit raid role-play.

  6. Is it true that back in Aegis (2012) when we had spoutcraft we asked deadmau5 for music??? and he said no??

  7. Is it true that back in Aegis (2012) when we had spoutcraft we asked deadmau5 for music??? and he said no??

  8. i just realized screamingdingo is grimreaper98. how the hell after he world edited a playerbase nation land away in a hissy fit?

  9. can somebody remove my warning points from like 5 years ago please i’m a nice catholic boy

  10. Imagine it being 2018 and pandann's admin bureocracy has not been shattered


  11. A wise man once said: “What the **** Elad.”

  12. Press F to pay respects

  13. Sworn into the U.S Airforce and am an E-1 as it currently stands.
    Going to basic training soon hopefully..
    Exciting stuff

  14. guess now that im a villainous player telanir will never talk to me... sigh...

  15. Greetings! If you like Tabletop RPGs and The Witcher, you’re in luck! Below follows the link to download The Witcher Tabletop RPG in PDF form.




    Hope you like it.

  16. I give my body, heart and soul, to the Lady whom I seek. No plea for help shall find me wanting. No obstacle will stand before me. No evil will taint the lands bequeathed unto me. When the clarion call is sounded, I will ride out and fight in the name of Liege and Lady. That which is sacrament, I shall preserve. That which is sublime, I will protect. That which threatens, I will destroy, for my holy wrath will know no bounds. Honour is all. Chivalry is all. Rejoice, for we, the Knights of Bretonnia... will be your shield.

  17. LF group / new character. Any interesting ideas?

  18. What Japanese cartoon is your profile wall’s picture?

  19. selling dewper’s rp items

  20. For a nightclub do you wear comfortable sneakers like a fresh pair of J’s or do you gotta pull up with something less street wear?? asking for a friend

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