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Status Replies posted by Heero

  1. streaming requests! Simple chibis only


  2. Who wants a vamp character, they won't get shelved so everyone who wants one will get one. Just reply to this status to get infected ~~

    1. Heero


      I’ll take one small Romanian Bloodsucker with a large O+ transfusion bag, no ice please

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  3. https://gyazo.com/bcab6bb5d1b3c697e79b94a876a8c398
    What is this where some poorly trained GM is trying to gas a town to 80 people who actually RP and are active against an eyesore of a wooden fort where some dude is trying to extort a Horen relic from Dewper and I to get the un-used, inactive land?? 

    Best part is that the original build is traced as being older, and it should be the wooden fort that is gone. As someone who’s witnessed warclaims be denied by Telanir’s request due to them harming an RP group of relevance – A lil grind fort shouldn’t be stunting something of actual relevance.

    1. Heero


      You guys are getting hopped up on this mace ****. I have never gotten any form of IC contact regarding that land ever. In fact I’ve strictly received OOC offers only. To claim I’m such a diabolic pixel monster and making a scene out of the mace thing is just idiotic. The fact Dewper asked me “What’s your price, m’lord?” and I kept repeating my ludicrous price probably was sign I didn’t really want to sell to him. Kind of obvious don’t you think? Besides, Dewper, you even said you don’t have the mace and it all was a ruse quite some time ago. Outside of Trinn cracking that joke it really hasn’t come up outside of that chat and catching me on voice in Discord later on.


      P.S. the full logs of us acting like morons since were we both drop some not so nice language. although again with the cherry picking. you’re deleting messages of u saying naughty things to make it look like you’re totally innocent here


      [9:56 PM] dewper: i got some news abt knox 4 u 2..
      [10:23 PM] Heero: oh?
      [10:26 PM] dewper: i will tell u in
      [10:26 PM] dewper: it
      [10:26 PM] dewper: in exchange for smth.
      [10:26 PM] Heero: the mace?
      [10:26 PM] dewper: u own the scarlet camp or w/e...
      [10:27 PM] dewper: may lorraine have it
      [10:27 PM] dewper: and i give u dirt on knox
      [10:27 PM] dewper: big dirt.
      [10:27 PM] Heero: only for the mace
      [10:27 PM] dewper: u dont want dirt on knox?
      [10:27 PM] dewper: big dirt.
      [10:27 PM] dewper: juicy.
      [10:27 PM] Heero: dont care mace more important
      [10:27 PM] Heero: knox is a ****** im getting *****
      [10:27 PM] dewper: give us the land!
      [10:27 PM] Heero: give me the mace
      [10:27 PM] dewper: i donbt have it
      [10:27 PM] Heero: better get it
      [10:27 PM] dewper: all a ruse
      [10:28 PM] dewper: never owned it
      [10:28 PM] dewper: doesnt exist
      [10:28 PM] Heero: if it falls into the hands of pyro
      [10:28 PM] Heero: sorry ive set my price
      [10:28 PM] Heero: the mace that killed jon renault
      [10:28 PM] Heero: if you can't get it then you can't get it
      [10:28 PM] dewper: ******
      [10:29 PM] dewper: https://discord.gg/yjQQtB

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  4. @GrimReaper98 did you remove your post?

  5. https://gyazo.com/bcab6bb5d1b3c697e79b94a876a8c398
    What is this where some poorly trained GM is trying to gas a town to 80 people who actually RP and are active against an eyesore of a wooden fort where some dude is trying to extort a Horen relic from Dewper and I to get the un-used, inactive land?? 

    Best part is that the original build is traced as being older, and it should be the wooden fort that is gone. As someone who’s witnessed warclaims be denied by Telanir’s request due to them harming an RP group of relevance – A lil grind fort shouldn’t be stunting something of actual relevance.

    1. Heero


      Woah, man. I just made a modreq since you guys literally clipped the small underground den literally right under my yard. You guys never tried to contact me out of Dewper dropping in to ask if I’d give up the land in voice chats. I just don’t like the situation being twisted in a public eye to better suit your agenda for the sake of making a public uproar. Just get the dets straight before you try putting someone out on blast

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  6. https://gyazo.com/bcab6bb5d1b3c697e79b94a876a8c398
    What is this where some poorly trained GM is trying to gas a town to 80 people who actually RP and are active against an eyesore of a wooden fort where some dude is trying to extort a Horen relic from Dewper and I to get the un-used, inactive land?? 

    Best part is that the original build is traced as being older, and it should be the wooden fort that is gone. As someone who’s witnessed warclaims be denied by Telanir’s request due to them harming an RP group of relevance – A lil grind fort shouldn’t be stunting something of actual relevance.

  7. I see that the staff team has gone back to their favorite pastime, lets **** over the human-playerbase. 

  8. Woke GM team? Might I recommend this:


  9. sometimes u just know u have to do it to em

  10. Apply for the FM!

  11. Been quite some time. 

  12. Deregulate staff bureaucracy to allow for further efficiency - makes it easier on both staff and players - makes minecraft roleplay more enjoyable!

  13. i have an itch to rp but i ******* refuse to return to this hell hole so does anyone have any suggestions for good games to rp on (no minecraft servers)

  14. due to high demand, it's back...



  15. @Heero London bridge is down.

  16. Is it normal to wait over a month for any response to an artifact application?

  17. Report your local powergamers ?




  19. miss me some Dared Starbreaker, the greatest dwarf

  20. Pls stop asking for nexus back, its about the worst thing that ever happened to lotc.

  21. Does anyone know of any relevant posts or writing pieces on Owynism and it's scriptures/holy rituals? I'd really appreciate it!

  22. Does anyone know of any relevant posts or writing pieces on Owynism and it's scriptures/holy rituals? I'd really appreciate it!

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