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Coal VIP
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Status Replies posted by Lefty

  1. So many characters I wanna play... So little time :(

  2. Just wasted my 3800th post on VA that I didn't even deny. #NotSoWorth

  3. Just wasted my 3800th post on VA that I didn't even deny. #NotSoWorth

  4. Danny has a baby face! so cute! adfasfkdsfsadkfdsa

  5. where should an aussie head for a rp group?

  6. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which two groups maintained the Cloud Temple of Aegis library?

  7. 'and well I want to give back to LoTC' yeah stop using that please.

  8. If any newer players need help, whether it's on lore, rules, commands, or anything, please send me a private message here on the forums, or message me in game! I would be happy to help you with whatever you need.

  9. Meteors struck Gronkkston today. Where were you when the meteors hit?

  10. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which Dwarven Paragon is known as the Bane of the Undead?

  11. There are, according to last count, around 40 active high elves.

  12. Dwarven Mines released!

  13. Just FYI for everyone who thinks female dwarfs didnt exist - I forced rhia before she was a GM into playing one. God that was the most hilarious month i've had in awhile.

  14. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: How are the creatures known as Hooks created?

  15. Pre-purchasing Rome 2 Total war, I have literally waited for this game for years.

  16. Anyone good at making skins? If so I PM me cause I have something in mind. (I can pay in minas by the way)

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who is Gazardiael?

  18. Dwarves and Humans switched places... Dwarves will become most played race?

  19. Haven't RP'd in forever... what should I do... humm...

  20. I need to prove a point. What is a better name for a dwarf clan: Thunderblade or Ironbane?

  21. All the dwarves sound Irish...

  22. All the dwarves sound Irish...

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