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Coal VIP
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Status Replies posted by Lefty

  1. I literally thought of a new game. It lasts until five new comments are made. EVERYONE has to comment as quickly as possible on this comment saying anything for no reason. We're short on time so.... GO

  2. I literally thought of a new game. It lasts until five new comments are made. EVERYONE has to comment as quickly as possible on this comment saying anything for no reason. We're short on time so.... GO

  3. I literally thought of a new game. It lasts until five new comments are made. EVERYONE has to comment as quickly as possible on this comment saying anything for no reason. We're short on time so.... GO

  4. Alright... Due to some complications, I've had to buy a new copy of MC, with a new username and all. What would be the process of getting the username accepted and implemented onto the server?

  5. October 25th, Around this date, 1.7.0 shall be out!

  6. When I feel a little down I just go here: http://everblue2er101.tumblr.com/

  7. yay I'm a total tophat!!!!!!!!1!

  8. LOTC Trivia: Who were the original Developers of LOTC? Just Developers, nothing else.

  9. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What were the first two capital cities of the Orcs?

  10. I don't always bring gifts and souvenirs when returning home from holidays, but when I do, I make sure to buy Jägermeister at my town's airport because that's so much better than photos, knick-knacks and silly I

  11. Well... Blundermore has yet again made a brilliant idea.

  12. I want to come back but I don't know where to start... someone wanna help meh?

  13. Sorry to everyone who missed the Dwarven tournament because of my blunder :(

  14. Dem RP-defaulters were behind this.

  15. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who was the first Dwarven Paragon?

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Where is Lighthouse Lane located?

  17. Out of all the dead characters on Lotc, how many have actually died from old age?

  18. Hey guys whats the rp hub?

  19. *Steals Golem Anvil while H-Elves aren't looking*

  20. R.I.P. Freya's Blue-Tag

  21. Matt is a GM now! this might be my chance for the AT!

  22. I hope everyone can forgive me for my atrocious behaviour in the fact I tired to bring up an issue on LotC. Incredibly sorry, and it shan't happen again. I will not try to provide feedback on things that aggravate and annoy many. Good night all.

  23. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who were the founders of Kal'Alras?

  24. Making another character, because why not?

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