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Coal VIP
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Status Replies posted by Lefty

  1. Ahhhh the 50th is today.

  2. In Viper we trust.

  3. What came first, the Chicken or the Egg? Explain your Answer:

  4. Is TS still down? This is getting out of hand srslyguiz.

  5. Soooo.... apparently the dwarven king decided to go to war via a fair trail between him and the war advocating lords.... they decided with a club penguin cardjitsu game -_-

  6. I wish LoTC was more High Fantasy :c

  7. I wish LoTC was more High Fantasy :c

  8. Lately I have thought of joining a staff team, to give back to the server, yet I do not know which, suggestions?

  9. First Danny... Now Matt... Who could be next?

  10. Bah! That's it! I'm gone! If I keep dredging up old memories, I'll return, and that would be bad for myself and ny other Dwarves. So, I'm gone oncemore! Should any need to contact me, for any reason, merely look up Dwarftastic on Steam. Fare thee well, LOTC!

  11. dumb and dwarf both start with d its a sign

  12. dumb and dwarf both start with d its a sign

  13. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What have been the five Orcish sub-races?

  14. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What have been the five Orcish sub-races?

  15. Just wrote a VA for Dani - mostly Kaylynn - beacuse Kaylynn has a crush on Aislinn (patriotic Fool's character) and wants to impress him...by eating people with him. Yup, ******* be crayzay

  16. Wish we had more battles

  17. You are now aware of your breathing.

  18. Congratz to the 3 new GMs

  19. Why does everything have to be owned by somebody? Can't make something somewhere without it being owned by at least 2 different groups or nations.

  20. Congratz Kai :^)

  21. Sorry guys: technical issues mean the Livestream Q&A ain't gonna be happening today! We'll reschedule for another time, sorry! :(

  22. Sorry guys: technical issues mean the Livestream Q&A ain't gonna be happening today! We'll reschedule for another time, sorry! :(

  23. Congrats to the first of the four new GMs!

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