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Status Replies posted by Geo

  1. where the ******* **** is my goddamn ******* motherfucking ex-gm rank

  2. Can someone name any evil character in LOTC right now that isn't the Oogie Man? And I do mean characters, not event characters.

    1. Geo


      but yer not evil, ye just run aboot in wee dresses

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  3. Should I get H1Z1?

  4. Can someone name any evil character in LOTC right now that isn't the Oogie Man? And I do mean characters, not event characters.

    1. Geo


      that makes me sad to hear, traditional evil was nice back in the day

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  5. Can someone name any evil character in LOTC right now that isn't the Oogie Man? And I do mean characters, not event characters.

    1. Geo


      Pretty much everyone there is retired though. Its like an old gentleman's club for retired supervillains.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  6. Can someone name any evil character in LOTC right now that isn't the Oogie Man? And I do mean characters, not event characters.

    1. Geo


      That tea party still exists in secret, Every Villain Is Lemons.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  7. Can someone name any evil character in LOTC right now that isn't the Oogie Man? And I do mean characters, not event characters.

  8. it's so annoying when people are so wrong they can't even comprehend how wrong they are

  9. What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?

  10. What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?

  11. Why not Twitch stream the GM meetings? or maybe just part of it and then have a secret bit off of twitch.

  12. and the wood elves do it again......

  13. I need a valentine ;-;

  14. Can we get Orc-Halfling-Halfbreeds now?

  15. Tythus Vs. Gabe Newell who wins?

  16. if LOTC ever goes down, I'm quitting minecraft, anybody else?

  17. Don't join Clan Camoryn, they're all vile filthy traitors to glorious bronze and silver.

  18. Both SOna and Twisted fate were buffed most recent patch. I love everything

  19. Benboboy is offically a daddy! Congrats to him, and Benbo jr! :D

  20. I Keep thinking Sky is The Perfectionist because of his creepy Mime avatar.

  21. Sometimes things just need to burn...

  22. Someone change acc to "Minaordie"

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