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Status Replies posted by Geo

  1. Most of the problems that people had with Anthos, I see in 4.0 already.

  2. I miss the days when people actually manned gates :/

  3. Head on over to the Blog area to see what's up-and-coming with the LotC website: http://lotc.co/page/blogs and whilst you're there, you might as well post a blog post of your own!

  4. SMITE > League of Legends

  5. Continue complaining, but Dewpboy actually sounded like Tom Waits there towards the end.

  6. Missed my 6,000 post celebration of time wasted on the internet.

  7. For all you HS seniors about to move out, here's a great piece of advice: buy a slow-cooker/crock pot. Cooking has never been easier.

  8. It's just a flesh wound!

  9. So, any tech team members able to get 'KungFuSushi' onto member or whatever? Dude has been WS for some time now.

  10. There's only one Scot on the entire staff team these days. How things ended up this way I will never know...

  11. There's only one Scot on the entire staff team these days. How things ended up this way I will never know...

  12. And so she leaves.

  13. And so it begins

  14. My son, the day you were born, the very forest of Lordaeron whispered the name "Arthas".

  15. My son, the day you were born, the very forest of Lordaeron whispered the name "Arthas".

  16. Why don't the Snow elves just give up.. I normally would support them and their attempts to be liked and forfill their ideal, but there mere presence already brings harm to themselves. I'm saddened to see some good RPers falling victim to the Elsa wannabe's, these people should deserve better imo..

  17. If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?

  18. If you were going to shoot a mime, would you use a silencer?

  19. I've officially been approved - to deny people with this GIF - http://imgur.com/K76gUIN

  20. No wonder this server is struggling with players, 1month ban for calling someone filth in ooc

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