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Status Replies posted by Geo

  1. I was told by Cappy that I would be unbanned today but im still not unbanned, can a GM do it, you can check my appeal for proof.

  2. hello friends

  3. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  4. "The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die."

  5. I understand the thing with the three keys, to open the door, though no MC item is to represent it so you don't loose it? What if you get the key and throw it into lava within role play, the whole month upon months event over that was planned?

  6. How does one make their mage stand out from the crowd and appear powerful?

  7. Gmod Or Rust? What to get...

  8. Valentine's day. The one day in Scotland where it's legal to go roaming the sheep farms.

  9. Valentine's day. The one day in Scotland where it's legal to go roaming the sheep farms.

  10. Valentine's day. The one day in Scotland where it's legal to go roaming the sheep farms.

  11. Why is everyone and their grandmother becoming a god damn shade lately? There's been at least 5 additions in the last week to an already over crowded population of OP magic users. That's rediculous. there are at least 15 shades now. And apparently one of them is a powerful cleric : because that makes sense. I understand "let the magic run wild!" but this is rediculous. There is still lore, and without it there's no point in RP. This isn't the OPra show kids.

  12. Why is everyone and their grandmother becoming a god damn shade lately? There's been at least 5 additions in the last week to an already over crowded population of OP magic users. That's rediculous. there are at least 15 shades now. And apparently one of them is a powerful cleric : because that makes sense. I understand "let the magic run wild!" but this is rediculous. There is still lore, and without it there's no point in RP. This isn't the OPra show kids.

  13. I want to see a Brann Bronzebeard-esqe character in 4.0.

  14. What if we were to remove the "work it out" rule in ban reports and only reserve it for new players?

  15. Can 4.0 please be named Arrakis for my amusement? Pls.

  16. "Minas slumber parties are the best kind." -Falkor

  17. [insert status for attention here]

  18. Listening to my morning dubstep

  19. Hopefully Some more apps will come in - itchin' to do some more.

  20. Logging onto LOTC properly for the first time in god knows how long.

  21. I think we broke a world record on the most cybering bans within a month.

  22. I wonder what Urasept is doing right now... Probably brutally murdering DDOSers 'er the likes.

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