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Technical Administrator
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Status Replies posted by Llir

  1. Wow does dynmap takes ages to backup I better exclude that in future and maybe run it async

  2. How many redstone pillars can a diamond make?

  3. Which gm thought i'd be funny to replace vekaro's wall stone to silverfish stone?

  4. Would I make a great GM ?

  5. Is it true Zezimus pugsied?

  6. Wut. My last status got locked for saying that I'm 'Mormon Jesus'? Freedom of speech may not exist in the US, but it's certainly alive and kicking in other places.

  7. Who wants me back ?

  8. Cats are just so great =3

  9. What do I do with a character that seems to have run its course?

  10. There really needs to be a PVP free zone so players who want to have some casual peaceful RP can go there without worrying about getting clicked to death.

  11. Nooo.... I didn't hear about the creative cafe until now... My heart is in a million pieces ;-;

  12. Not actually a crash guys, just a minor mistake on the part of the GMs. Bad news is we may have a rollback

  13. how many years have we been in Anthos? ((In game years ))

  14. I swear if this crash is because someone broke my 100 block high sugar cane... >:(

  15. Just got out of surgery, looks like they don't need to regrow my achilles. Hopefully i can play football(soccer) again in the fall.

  16. Bullys are mean, dont bully people

  17. I'd tell you a chemistry pun, but the all of the good ones argon.

  18. Ready for some fun

  19. Many Voxel. Much Mountains. Such Wow. You guys will love the 4.0 map. If not I will shave my beard and donate it to charity.

  20. I sometimes consider making an "Edgy" character just because it's so frowned upon. This server was originally about creating whatever character you want. Playing the character you want without all the BS criticism and players making fun of it.

  21. Can't get on today, guys. Apologies to all those making modreqs!

  22. Accept Dante's alt account please. I need him.

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