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Status Updates posted by Ricky

  1. Trying to boycott the use of GM's to avoid getting angry about the server is easier than imagined, especially considering there are never any on in the week, getting a modreq done in GMT times is pretty impossible.

    1. mmat


      iMattyz best GMT GM 2013

  2. I feel like I'm in Nationalist china...

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      It breaks the laws of physics and bends wood? Cool.

    2. Zarsies


      Kalen is the best.

  3. I find it annoying how it is impossible to have a horse on this server without someone screwing up sooner or later and it dying...

    1. Silent™


      Or the alternative is crashing when you're on your horse and it just disappearing.

    2. monkeypoacher


      I feel you. They should just let us respawn horses.

  4. Just posted Werdenberg posts 2/3 FalkenOrder tomorrow the full kickstart of activity

    1. Guest



  5. So basically if you follow Dragonage Lore you feel pretty sound on it going into I.There are a few theroys of who flemeth is etc. but then you play I and what you know gets ripped asunder and you are left with so many question about Blights, Old gods, elven gods, the maker, the fade! I literally need another story NOW, the questions are killing me!

    1. Samoblivion


      Flemeth is the reincarnation of Captain Kathryn Janeway, duh.

    2. Amorphbutt


      flemeth could be the daughter of the archdemon of the fourth blight (the old god of beauty) or be fen'harel itself

  6. "What can one Grey Warden do?"

  7. Ok so got an email saying my Dragonage pre-order is on it's way and then I noticed I'm being charged £60, so by a happy mistake I am now getting the now soldout specail edition WOOP!


    1. dank



  9. So basically were gonna make the spear of triam out of the decendent wepons and use it to defeat iblees...

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. J
    3. Ricky


      Greek mithology and Dragon age: the new age of LOTC Lore

  10. Dat trailer tho...
    1. mmat


      Alright that was pretty damn impressive, even though it was just cinematic.

  11. So I was in godmode and did not even know.... then I finnaly find a gm to put me out and the battle is lost gg

  12. The amount of pathetic arguments, narrow mindedness, corruption and hypocrisy I've seen today is the reason for every problem on this Server.

  13. So as with all these situations were probably going to get emotionally destroyed because in every situation like this: -there are no backups within the last century -there were complications -the staff really could not care you lost your progress I am living as a pessimist in this because we all know something very bad will happen in one way or another.

    1. Bircalin


      That's the spirit.

  14. It's annoying how inconsistant rollbacks are. It seems all important tings get undone one way or another.

  15. Going on Hiatus till freshers is over and I have got back into a routine. Don't build anything ugly of mess with my people!

  16. With No Craftbook areas I see no builds good enough for me. Goodbye lordofthecraft, have fun with your crappy gates and bridges!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Neri


      Ricky you're right - remember, the human capital has a craftbook area drawbridge, and the old Elven city had like 3 I made, sadly the city got scrapped. There's nothing against them as long as theyre permed so only gm's can break them if theyre a valuable material.

    3. Ricky


      Also it is a bit buggy but you can enable craftbbok areas if you follow the guide to enable them to stop duping fullstop

    4. Ricky



  17. Noooooooooooooooow!

  18. LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES ITS THE 14TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Loreq


      They never said what timezone?

    2. bickando


      They said 6PM GMT

  19. "Reach down into your heart and you will find many reasons to fight, suvival, honor, glory, but what about those who feel it's their duty to protect the innocent? There you will find a warrior savage enough to match any dragon, and in the end they will retian what the others won't. Their Humanity."

    1. gingernut97


      I like spaghetti

  20. The 4.0 antag should be Greywardens.Theyr'e perfect!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      Do you mean... Protag?

    3. Ricky


      No. The antag are the good guys #plottwist!

    4. susitsu



      Well, anyway, I would actually love to see what more you have to say on Grey Warden styled Protags after I looked into it. I would seriously love that.

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