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Scarlet Kaiser

Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Scarlet Kaiser

  1. That awkward moment when the humans nearly attacked the wrong elves XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tirenas


      Yeah, they weren't the wrong group.

    3. InfamousGerman
    4. Gone


      They want to kill all elves right now, not just high elves.

  2. That awkward moment when you are left holding someone's melons ._.

    1. Esterlen


      This sounds vaguely erotic.

    2. CowsGoMoo




      Well, until you get slapped.

  3. That happy moment when you vote and LOTC's rank increases ^_^

  4. The Event Team has been promoted to Admin status! All hail our ET overlords!

  5. There was internet troubles. And I have been busy with friends, family, as well as collage coming up soon. Should be able to start playing regularly soonish, working on fixing the desktop.

  6. This Chirstmas, the family dog got more presents than the rest of the family combined. Reason why? Watching Rufus open presents is one of the best parts of Christmas ^_^

  7. To all of the men, be careful who you slap in the face, it may be a Frost Witch in disguise :P

    1. Merkaken


      You poor, poor person.

    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      You should have seen the other guy XD

    3. Heero


      Nom nom nom?

  8. Well hi there :D It is mighty dandy to see to meet you ^_^

  9. Well... I best go to bed before my laptop turns into my pillow. Night all.

    1. gingernut97


      Good night, have pleasant dreams!

    2. Praetor


      Nighty Scarley~

  10. Well... not sure if this is news but all books written in LOTC appear to have been deleted. :/

    1. everblue2er101


      Bookworm plug-in got borked. It's being fixed.

    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      I see, thank you. I was

      curious to what was


  11. Well... once the server is online, Ara has to bury someone :/

  12. Went in to Mage Guild to learn about Void. Learned about the feasibility of Carrot Magic and its implications. This is reason why I love this server ^_^

    1. Trips


      Got out of Mage Guild to talk to possible new apprentices like the kind person I am, get banished within five minutes. This is the reason why I love this server ^_^

    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Ha ha ha ha! Yep!

    3. Truthseeker83


      Summoned a kitten by the fountain and all the durids there were 'offended' and 'kindly' told me to unsummon the creature.

  13. Whaa! My first comment! What to do! I suppose a hello will do!

  14. When did I suddenly become popular D:

  15. While I should change skins... I think I will just stick with it for now...

  16. Why is everyone killing themselves on LOTC? Are we supoose to?

    1. everblue2er101


      In order to get to Asulon for the final event you have to kill yourself on the temp map.

    2. Scarlet Kaiser
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