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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by seannie

  1. That's a very nice series of floating islands the Kha have.

  2. I really have been liking my human character, but it's hard to keep track of when to age him and I forget a lot. Do you guys just write down the date every week, or what?

  3. #FreePheonix

  4. Finally have solved the debate on the correct term for water fountain http://i.gyazo.com/dae3a47a560c3279c5c4c0d7cdf91886.png

  5. Don't understand this server's punishment anymore. You are banned for breaking rules than unbanned for being overthrown in rp...

  6. So there was a little fight last night..

    the real fighting starts about 2 mins
  7. Jake you are neither of jewish faith nor a banker, you cant scam people yo.

  8. the bantr that starts when you take someones pixels...

  9. Did you know that 6 cups of coffee a day has been shown to be associated with the reduction of nonmelanoma skin cancer? *The more you know*

  10. im a muslin on pork

  11. offering free memes just ask me

  12. realism rp is best rp

  13. realism rp is the best rp

  14. Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -dr doom paul (take two)

  15. Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -dr doom paul (take two)

  16. Pvp default is like capitalism, its generally works out, but at times the douchebags get ahead.

  17. Welcome to the Land of Bad Decisions, formerly known as Athera.

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