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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by seannie

  1. I'm looking to play a Human once more. No idea where to start, though. Maybe an order? Noble house? I'm lost!

  2. Mhm, I think our community is over-sensitive nowadays to what the separation between IC and OOC are.. I think everyone needs to remember this is a game, and like all games. LoTC won't be here forever.

  3. Got a red card in Rugby today, achievement unlocked?

  4. Good strategy games?

  5. I dislike the friendzone very much. The friendzone is not a fun place to be.

  6. juicy is 1+ farming lol

  7. Whatever. PVP default, RPers left and came back. Now it's turned around, eh?

  8. How do I get to the islands Ruska owns?

  9. Conspiracy Theory:Nexus makes pvpers want to rp fight

  10. What happen to my PvP...

  11. #Removecombatplugin

  12. #Removecombatplugin

  13. What's the rule of thumb for how many men a Tier 5 mage can defeat in one sitting?

  14. -Sniff- ... Do I smell Brazillians? ( Veterans would get this)

  15. A hidden chest with 1 stack of iron is hidden somewhere on the map. Now go hungry mens! Find it!

  16. What rules did I break!?

  17. Oh hey, this looks like its relevant to roleplay http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3vpnfe/

  18. Mercenary company RP seems so interesting but daunting from how many times I've seen players fail miserably at it.

  19. We need more of Renardnoir's epic mindblowing gifs.

  20. Playing Smite with my friend, who is streaming, if anyone wants to watch. http://www.twitch.tv/pimpasaurusrex

  21. used the cave seeing ability in minecraft world map for Lotc, I see some pretty sneaky shiz under capitals

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