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Ender VIP
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Status Replies posted by seannie

  1. What's up with Kralta and it's broken English? I never understood why it was a thing. P.S Who is Godanistan?

  2. jesus would never pvp...

  3. Hehe, so happy. After forcing myself to quit my grades are going from a 2.5 gpa to a 4.0 if I continue this way

  4. Considering Elves are considered the emotional crybaby nation I sure heard a lot of cussing and crying from non-elves... and none from elves. :^)

  5. [Warning - Contains Nasties] How do you circumcise a Lannister? You kick his sister in the chin!

  6. I've managed to keep the Kingdom of Scotland in a constant state of stablity and expansion across three generations of queens... Probably the most fun I've had in CK2.

  7. Who would you guys say was a better villain - The Perfectionist? or Knox?

  8. dayz or rust

  9. WHO BUILT ILDON?! (Asulon)

  10. witcher 3 or dragon age 3?

  11. http://imgur.com/CjGP95m Who's more organized, Colins on the right or the Soulblades left?
  12. Dood, I reeeeeally want Shogun Total war with all the DLC but it comes out to about a $90 cost...

  13. So....warclaim on Ambriel....yeah no. >.> Im done with Oren.

  14. So....warclaim on Ambriel....yeah no. >.> Im done with Oren.

  15. i wanna try out oren RP on a new character, which faction should I join?

  16. Abresi flank team vs Elite Pvp Squad = Why are they still guards

  17. There already is a place free of raids, PvP, and conflict. It's called the Forum RP section?

  18. Just pvp'd some guys and they had Sharp II swords. Fun fun plugins.

  19. The Banner Saga is an amazing game

  20. Dayum, Witcher 2 soundtrack is amazing.

  21. I'm looking to play a Human once more. No idea where to start, though. Maybe an order? Noble house? I'm lost!

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