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Ender VIP
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Everything posted by seannie

  1. thanks chuckabo fam

  2. Yeah, Human Rp forums could be you redone now

  3. muh muh hegemony orenia!

  4. man im so salty right now xd xd : D DDDDD

    1. Booklight12


      If your sodium level it that high, i'd recommend seeing a doctor

    2. csmalls


      stop smoking all that weed

  5. ayy lmao nice use of plugins dwarves its good too see your pulling your strings with the undead xd

  6. MC Name: seannie22 IC Name: Richard Race: Human Past Groups you Participated in: Blackmont, Carrion Guard, Flotsam Miners, Abresi Guard, Petrus Guard, Karovian Militia, bunch of other stuff involving fighting. Why you want to join: I want a new source of income and the opportunity to fight. Do you have Teamspeak(Info given in PM): Yeah. Do you have Skype(Info asked in PM): Yeah.
  7. praise be adam master of cats

  8. muh muh ddos 200k booter D:

  9. "Hip hip hurray!" yells Richard of Akovia
  10. Raevir lives matter

  11. rip youlovesocks my sweet summer child

  12. rebels attacked petrus by spawning trees !! ! ! !!!

    1. zaezae


      get rektd lol

    2. FORƎST


      the rebels have become druids

  13. Cheeki Breeki

  14. why is the server dumb

    1. Merkaken


      Only if you make it that way.

    2. drfate786


      Because my dear...the people here are dumb.

    3. Ivran


      why doesn't this **** work

  15. freecsalz96!

  16. csalz reckoning begins!!!!!

  17. The empire cant even protect it's own capital, what stops the dominion from taking Skyrim? Nords!

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