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Everything posted by EmeraldStag

  1. Wow ive been gona year and the noncanon Forum RP has drastically dwindled....

  2. Sever plz come back on. I'm sorry I called you fat ;_;

  3. Hmm...trying to find some nice mods for Vanilla, any suggestions?

    1. 501warhead


      JourneyMap if you'd like a map, InvTweaks is a great one imo.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      PokeCraft is pretty brilliant!

  4. huh...it's been some time now....I wonder how much has changed around here...

  5. The other day I ordered this months Loot Crate. Should be pretty interesting~

    1. gingernut97


      Yay, stickers and plush toys!

  6. Dannykins. I miss you ;-;

  7. Anyone else remember when Power Rangers turned into Star Trek with Ninja Turtles?

    1. Katherine1


      Power Rangers In Space? The end of the Zordon Era...

    2. CowsGoMoo


      OH GOD.

      I had the movie about them living in space!

      I still have the VHS tape. Oh my god, good memories.

  8. I found an interesting theory for the Gaming community: Gamers don't want Innovation. They really want the same thing they've already had over and over again. Don't believe me? Watch this vid then:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moot


      I know. I was just comment on the fact that we most likely watch the same thing. I was trying to fit in ;_;

    3. EmeraldStag


      I know. You do fit in :D

    4. Moot


      Stop buttering me up with your sweet words. You've cut me deep.

  9. Ughhh School is reallying kicking it into gear nearing the end of the year. I just hope I can pass enough classes to get my credits then I am O.U.T. Outta there!

  10. Time to set it to..... Wumbo.

    1. Parading


      Meh, I used to be into that stuff as a young'un. I have to admit, some good memories have came from it.

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I have gone to PVP servers on and off, and have never come liking it. I end up hating the players. As a result, I avoid them.

  11. "I would rather game with Craig, than spend one minute trying to set up an X-box live account." Best quote ever.

  12. *wants to reply to frp thread, but cannot think of anything to post* #TheStruggleIsReal

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      Can't you just spawn in posts?

    2. everblue2er101
  13. lol I got it to work.

  14. *random # calls me. Doesn't answer. Random text messeage. Read but don't reply.* Why so many? Why?

  15. I now want to play Darksouls. Everywhere I go, it enters into my vision and my ears. My bro has the game. I have my system. The only problem is that I a too lazy taking it out of my sister's room and setting it up in either my room or the living room. #FirstWorldProblems.

  16. Here's your Daily Dose of METAL:

  17. Holy crap. Best match I've ever played, except for....the defeat though. http://gyazo.com/94fe2f1728882122e3eb243ca5633444

  18. Is the skin server down or something because I am trying to change my skin but it won't change. Halp

    1. Kiiztria


      It seems to be it takes a moment for them to load. Like it usually takes 15 mins for mine to actually be in use.

  19. My animal bretherin! Show thyselves to meeeee!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag
    3. Cooonie


      I have a question....

      Who are you?

    4. EmeraldStag


      I am The One Emerald Stag. A deer made entirely of living emerald. Who are you?

  20. So, I was looking at a Zelda wiki today, and say a thing about Gorons. "Gorons are physically imposing, as the height and sheer size of the average Goron are almost double that of an average human" That in mind....the average human is around 5ft something....meaning...they'd be 10 ft tall. Wat.

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