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Everything posted by EmeraldStag

  1. I just want you to know that you do have people that care about you here, if ever you feel the need to relieve some stress.

  2. ....I hate it when you lose a good 30 minutes of wiriting because you were trying to add a picture....why didn't I copy my work to another document?!!!

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      I do that all the time. I feel your pa.ins

  3. Yes!!! I was worried for nothing!!!

  4. Urgh....I really want to post my second try at a Account VA but I have no idea if I have waited the right amount of time... So stressful.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Glyc


      48 hours from your Denial.

    3. EmeraldStag


      I believe it has been 2 days, as long as 14+2=16 in the eyes of the VAT and that I do not have to wait till tomorrow, a 3rd day...

    4. Glyc


      You may also find it in the rules.

  5. It. Is. Done. Now I just have to wait for the right time.....

  6. Recent events hav e caused me to have Hieghtened emotions and a burst of nonprocrastination for something important!!!!

    1. Neri


      lucky you

      wait are you taking adderall or something...

    2. EmeraldStag


      Nope. My MA was accepted and have caused me to go and fix/complete my VA

  7. Nervousness level: Mildly high. I am relieved I posted them, but at the same time I am a bit worried.

  8. Not sure if I should post it or not...It is ready but....hmm....

  9. Thanks to Freya, my Java is fixed~

  10. So none of my Minecraft Launchers are working...really wish IN knew why they weren;t.

  11. They sleep is for the weak....but I do believe it is supposed to be said "Sleepis for when you are weak." Good night guys, I am weak.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Grammar fail speaks of your weakness. Good night, and be strong in the morning.

    3. Sync


      You got the quote wrong. It's;

      "Sleep is for the week." <3

    4. LPT


      being weak is for the weak.

  12. *Plans out in his head RP, day finally comes to do the RP, draws blanks at every turn*



      I know the feeling

    2. EmeraldStag


      GAH Now I am be making grammer!

    3. EmeraldStag


      YES I was able to recover! Things are now going smoothly~

  13. I suddenly have the urge to go around as my Peasant side character and much up people's RP with randomness....but.....I cannnot at the moment. :/ Life. Y U Do Dis?

  14. Is it just me or is YouTube messing up again with the Subscription Feed?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. EmeraldStag


      Well. Mine is repeating the Uploads that went up yesterday :/

    4. tnoy23


      Mine has been doing that for a while now, its usually if its a video you haven't watched from someone you normally watch a lot.

  15. I am curois....how do you guys RP depression/betrayal/hate/sad/envyious feelings in RP? I have my own style, but I am curious about how others would RP.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      *cries cuz he is sad "I'm sad"

    3. Heff


      *pouts and tears slowly form behind the back of his eyes*

    4. Parading


      It is actually pretty challenging, for a while when I was a reel addict I would pretend to think as my character, for more real character development.

  16. Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue Yes please. I want it so much. :megustacreepy: :megustacreepy:
  17. .....I hate my 3DS right now....It has a design flaw in it....when I set it down a bit hard it completely shuts off....and I lost 2 hours worth of a game because of it.....why? Why does this happen to me everytime I get a lot of stuff done in a game?

  18. Why hasn't anyone created a virus and called it a Pirate Hook?

    1. V0idsoldier
    2. Yoff


      Uhm, I actually want this to be a thing. It could be like Scurvy.

    3. ToenailTickler
  19. *starts abooosing everywhere and to everyone*

  20. #FMMasterRace5Ever

    1. Nug



    2. Aislin



  21. Being home sick = Sucks

    1. Augor


      Dude, I feel you.

  22. lolwut Note: Not a screamer, but you may want to turn your volume down a bit. http://www.omfgdogs.com/

    1. Octavion


      May want a warning for epileptic people...

    2. Dr. Eggnog
  23. I kinda feel like Notch has a special controller that allows him to screw around with Minecraft's servers and shut them down for fun and watching all the chaos unfold.

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