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Status Updates posted by Kardel

  1. Sons of [meme] haha am i funny yet?

    1. Gridlock


      Yes xD :P xP

    2. Father Krugmas

      Father Krugmas

      Zumbodeh gunna get coal, hurhurhur!

  2. Stop trying to hide my thread with your sliding tactics, high elven sympathizer!



  3. sutica strikes again

  4. tbh by this point Oren should be the only nation



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kardel


      git gud lol idk what to tell u

    3. zaezae


      I just wanna do my high fantasy RP grr

    4. Beamon4


      Urguan shall stand strong hur hur hur


  5. There is a toxic neonazi culture in LotC that needs to be stopped NOW

  6. This whole inventory erase thing is part of the AGENDA

    By erasing player inventories, the staff removes valuable items, deflating the economy and returning it to semi normalcy

    The High Elves are obviously behind this.


    Yesterday a /////////certain////////// GM told me that he was """""not happy"""""" with the reforms coming up shortly


    open your eyes sheepRPers! 4/1 was an INSIDE JOB.

    Priceflash can't melt premium minecraft roleplay servers!


  7. To all Dwarves: the Senate of Hammers meets at 4PM EST today. If the downtime extends beyond that, we will try to meet at 5PM EST. The meeting shall be pushed back one hour each time if the downtime persists. All clans are encouraged to bring more than just their delegates. 

  8. To any GM reading this: before I was banned I had Gold VIP status, but this was removed both from my in-game and forum accounts due to my having Lore Keeper status on both instances, which superseded by Gold VIP. Can a GM/FM deal with this? Thanks. 

  9. To anyone considering to buy a graphics tablet, STAY AWAY FROM WACOM. Performance kanser. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kardel


      i kill you


      i am poor gypsy cannot afford good tablet, but as wacom cheap tablets are SHITE, i will stick with other brands


      constant pen pressure problems, cheap materials, FFFFFFFFFFFUCK this SERBIAN product

    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      want mine when im done with it

    4. Kardel


      sure habibi

  10. Updated the Dwarven Myths and Stories thread! Also, can an FM please pin this? 


  11. we must destroy the legion

    1. James


      kardel-san no

    2. TinyBiceps


      ooc plotting br filed

    3. Textarea


      i need a tutorial plz

  12. We should really make it clear that this is not a Lord of the Rings RP server. I

    1. Kardel


       I'm referring to that. Except for the definitions, the lore is pretty on point...for an LotR server.

    2. Angmarzku


      I agree, this is Game of Thrones 

    3. Heff


      this is 'with fire and sword' what are you on about

  13. With the

    1. Crowbill


      Oh the suspense!

    2. Kardel


      ******* broken statuses ****


      With the INFLUX of new players, staff should hide incoming application from the recent posts bar in order not to drown the RP posts and other posts. Also, the applications section should be a totally different forum. 


      THAT is what that first message was supposed to say but this **** is broken

  14. wtf i hate server uptime now

  15. wtf i love oren now

  16. wtf i love snow elves now

    1. LadyRebecca


      I am sorry sir, but blasphemy is outlawed here on the forums.

  17. You know who loves shellfish? High Elves. 

  18. . . .yet another crash. . ..


  20. 4 hours of testing mask and potion recipes, **** you tehc team for making this so inconvenient, **** you

    1. Kardel


      jk i love you plz dont hurt me

    2. Angel~


      *Watches as Un-killable Zombies charge after Kardel* Uh...*walks off*

    3. Amorphbutt


      Hope you liked the art I made.

  21. anybody else getting this massive server lag?

  22. Anyone also experiencing the extreme super godlike lag? Im the only comp on my network and i use optimum, this is the first time im experiencing it. . .

  23. Anyone noticed the hacker who is posing as a GM and who flooded Adunia in lava?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreek


      It's been fixed I believe

    3. Kardel



      Now lets find his IP and send him a trojan

    4. JtPv


      Who was it?

  24. Are we being DDoS'd?

  25. Blizzard Alert, you say? Well, this is clearly a government conspiracy! Time to put on my tinfoil hat and sit tomorrow out playing LotC all day!

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