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The Hedge Knight

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Everything posted by The Hedge Knight

  1. I'm not dead, I have no idea why people would start saying that but I'm not.



      What a bunch of dummies!

  2. Away again, this time I wont come back. Bye bye all those I knew. Hope you all do well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Old Man Boiendl
    3. Stump


      I only just found this.. Good job being super late Firestar. But still..

      This was needed, I'll miss you Chim!! D:
    4. Truthseeker83


      Well I for one will miss you. Especially now that lei started playing. .guess I'll need to come up with some story about how igne died. Hmm... anyways See you around on skype bud and maybe steam.

  3. Got to shave that stache.

  4. I hate being single. -.-

  5. After over two years, I am now single... Whoo....

  6. Sitting there, just staring at a wall.

    1. The Hedge Knight

      The Hedge Knight

      No one wants to listen to the best song ever?

    2. Roxforbraynz


      Nah... this is the bset song ever.

  7. Anyone bored? Feel free to PM something random to me. Until then, I barrel roll,

  8. Swinging my head around and round yay, yay, yay!

  9. Anyone interested in being part of Gavin's family? Pm me if you are. :3

  10. My tonsils feel like they're just going to fall down into my throat randomly...

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Get them cut out. I did.

    2. loakmendbe


      At first I read toe nails.

  11. Can you make longbows still? I've been sitting here for an hour trying different recipes with no prevail.

  12. I love people sometimes.

  13. Arrow in your stomach? Please do not snap it off alone... Splinters in that region tend to kill with the medicine available to most people XD

    1. Taiga


      I used to be an adventurer like you,

      that is, until I took an arrow to my digestive system.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      I used to be an adventurer likes you, until I got permabanned.

  14. I'm just going to leave this here...




  15. Built a fort in your name mi'lord.

  16. Good first night. Got a lot done. Started an outpost fort for the weary and tired :D

  17. Happy cow happy cow everywhere you go!

    1. Kaiser


      .... I find this racist and insulting...

    2. Kaiser


      .... I find this racist and insulting...

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