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Status Updates posted by DrakeHaze

  1. If the Teutons suddenly died or stopped playing, I would be rather bored.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skippy


      i like you mirtok

    3. Skippy


      i like you mirtok

    4. Zezimus


      I know, I'm just joking with you, I enjoy the RP from both sides.

  2. If the Teutons suddenly died or stopped playing, I would be rather bored.

  3. I've been told to search IMVU. What is it? Virus or something?

    1. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos

      I've been told to do so as well, probs Virus.

    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Its a chatting thing.

    3. Beneh


      It's a game , is it not ?

  4. Teutons ran away. Luckily Lion saved you all. Next time you won't be so luck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Braxis


      And making a status on the forums does what?


    3. craotor


      What happened to Sariants know no fear guys!?!

    4. DrakeHaze

  6. People whine to much when they die.

  7. Well this is awkward. . .

  8. Where exactly should I post my thoughts on the VA ORQ's and how to change them for the better?

  9. Why is it that most of the VA ORQ things target everyone except for Orcs? Also, why are the ORQ's so outdated?

  10. How much does Gunpowder sell for now that it drops again?

    1. hosper


      You could always get it from failed smelting I believe

  11. All dwarves that died during that battle...you should know that we cut off your beards. To make fun RP you should remove the beard from your skin for we are wearing your beards* :3

    1. Glasiconas


      I predict an increase in the availability of Dwarf-beard-undergarments. Much more comfortable than cotton.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      I mean, if it's a new way to quickly heal, cool, but after the rumor about Vaq making mobs like MineZ, I'm worried.

    3. Danny


      Vaq is making it yes, but you're thinking down the wrong lines of what it is. You wont bleed to death.

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Alright... I am mostly appeased.

  12. Ghasts are still destroying blocks. Cities will fall and towns will be destroyed! Good job guys! hurhur

  13. #IncreaseMinaDrop2012

  14. I will take all the people running around in circles at Cloud Temple and murder them.

  15. Obviously the humans are no longer cursed with 12 decades of life.

  16. Alright! New signature is nwo complete! I should get an award for this :3

    1. Antharin


      Have a cookie.

  17. How do you make a quote from what someone said in a post and put it into your signature?

    1. Alex_Pan


      Hit reply and just copy the text and paste it into your sig.

  18. Hello, I'm an Orc! Therefore all my RP is bad RP and I ruin everyone else's RP.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)


      Kidding, man. Don't let the idiots get in your head!

    3. Skippy


      Yeah, we get it. Someone said you make orc rp bad, which you don't. Don't need to remind us 10 times.

    4. higgsyy
  19. My feelings are deeply hurt. This person says I am a bad RPer and that I ruin RP for everyone including all Orcs......I'm going to go cry now :(

    1. Hobolympic


      This guy? Who?

    2. DrakeHaze



    3. VonEbs


      I have seen you rp through Aulus, you are a good rper.

  20. Aparently I ruin all RP for all Orcs. Not sure if I should rage or simply ignore the noobie

  21. So I hear the VAT won't be accepting Orc VA's for awhile. Lolwut?

  22. I feel like raging right now but players have 0 power here so I'm just going to go punch a goat and make up meme's for this situation

    1. Raptorious


      Why do you want to punch Viper3X's brother? Not cool man...not cool.

    2. DrakeHaze
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