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Jake the Dog

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Status Replies posted by Jake the Dog

  1. Is the server down for anyone else?

  2. hoooly **** there are so many clerics and paladins now

  3. So if anyone wants to contact me I have an email, can't use Skype anymore but just message me for it! #eatamongstyourselvesheathens

  4. My english teacher commented on my paper about 12 year olds dressing scantily. Aparently she liked the phrase "dressed like a sultry curbside worker:" I think it was better than "dressed like a hooker."

  5. *Watches you walk walk by then sticks something to your back*

  6. I have a feeling that I'm going to like it here... If I'm able to come on every time after school... =3='

  7. AC3 or AC Black Flag??.... that is the question...

  8. Started playing sins of a solar empire 3 at 7pm, I just turned it off, at 3:30am

  9. I let the beat drop like old people with polio.

  10. With all this staff player mess going on, best I go hide somewhere before something stupid happens

  11. Hi everyone! How is everyone doing?

  12. i still can't feel my legs

  13. Tips for keeping RP interesting? Been very bored lately.

  14. Help is needed.. ;-;... I downloaded the 1.8 forge and now whenever I try to open minecraft with forge it crashes.. O_O.. Idk what to doooo

  15. Not many Cervitaurs on now days. ;-;

  16. can i be the AH-64 Apache Druid?

  17. Ours is the fury!!!!!

  18. Hello darkness, my old friend...

  19. http://gyazo.com/94a7e4b1ef32991a2c9ccf54448c8934 Gonna draw AAAAALLLL the characters. 5 min each, holla at me on the forums to be added if I don't add you randomly yo.
  20. Tythus Vs. Gabe Newell who wins?

  21. I'm thinking of taking a tai chi class. can you do tai chu if you're... well, fat?

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